OK, so how do I stand?

<p>I'm a middle-class white male from southern california at good public school. My unweighted GPA is 3.83; weighted, it's about 4.4~. I've taken four AP's (US and Euro History, English Language, and Spanish Language) and got 5's on all but Spanish (got a 3 on that) My schedule this year is
AP Calc AB
AP Physics B
AP Environmental Science
AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP English Literature
Cross-country and swim (but I'm not a captain, or even varsity. my school is supercompetitive atheletically)
My SAT scores are M750 V730 W700, for the SAT II US History 800, Chemistry 730, Math IIC 740. I'm a national merit semifinalist.
Full-time employment for the past two summers as a summer camp counselor.
100 hours of volunteering at a diy art/music venue.</p>

<p>My college choices (in order of my preference)
University of Chicago
Harvey Mudd
Stanford (I applied early)
UC Berkeley

<p>How are my chances?</p>

<p>UCLA is probably a match, Harvey Mudd you're probably slight reach... Berkeley is odd but it depends on your major. I don't know about Stanford... your SAT isn't terrific but you're a semifinalist. Don't know at all about the others.</p>

<p>Major-wise, I'm thinking about either History (obvious choice, given my scores) or Chemistry.</p>

<p>On both your feet.</p>

<p>Sounds like something Grucho would say.</p>

<p>Guys? Advice?</p>


<p>UCLA: Match</p>