<p>Please take the time to look over my stats, and thanks.</p>
<p>GPA: 3.72 UW, 3.94 W ( W is low because of course load and semester caps)
Stanford GPA: 3.78 UW (Includes first semester of senior year) (Weighted- don't know whether Stanford caps so left it)
RANK: I don't know; but top 10%
SAT: (In order of latest to recent: 1900, 2150, 2220)
SAT IIs: Biology 790, Math 2C 800, Korean 800</p>
Note: The classes with CL = College, so I put the grade twice even though it was for one semester only.</p>
Geometry A / A
Physics A / A
Spanish 1 A / A
English 1A A / A
Algebra 2/Trig B (Summer @ Harker Private) </p>
English 2A A / A
AP World H A / A
Spanish 2 A / B
AP Biology A / B
Math Analysis B / B
CL Psychology A / A</p>
<p>Physiology A / A
AP English 3 A / A
AP US Hist A / A
CL Philosophy A / A
CL Art Hist A / A
CL Dev. Psych A / A
CL Sociology A / A
CL Abn. Psych A / A
CL Humanities A / A
CL Spanish 3 B / B
CL Anthro B / B
CL Journalism B / B</p>
<p>12th (Next year- Planned A's- First Semester Only)
AP Calculus A/B
AP Government
AP English4
CL Oceanography
CL Human Sexuality (Psychology)
CL Biological Psychology<br>
CL Microeconomics
CL Child Development (Psychology)
CL Statistics</p>
<p>I recieved B's on my academic record for my math classes, so in my attempt to recover from my weakness in math I earned an 800 on my SAT Math II C test. </p>
<p>I am going to major in Psychology- which is why I am taking 8 during my high school year (10-12), three of which are already taken. I am planning on taking the AP Psychology exam by self-study next year. Also, I will write about my passion for psychology in one of my personal statements. </p>
School Newsletter: Editor-in-Chief (12th), Editor (11th)
Church Youth Group: President (12th), Vice President (11th), Junior Rep (9th)
- Organized Halloween Kids Fest for ~150 children
- Organized Field Day/Fundraiser and raised a little more than $1,240
Psychology Club: Founder/President (12th) Planned.
- Frequent visits to the elderly's homes with alzheimers and make others more aware of psychological disorders and information. Etc. Still needs more planning.
Interact Club Member: (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th)
School Yearbook: Editor (12th)
Rockclimbing: Special activity (Will write about in essay)
Piano: 9 years </p>
AWANA: Volunteer Leader (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 12th+)
- Help kids learn more about the Bible through memorizing verses and special activities such as outdoor games and recreation
VeBS: Volunteer (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 12th+) Art Director (11th)
- Summer Program for children up to sixth grade; Christian camp
City Team: Volunteer (9th, 10th, 11th)
- Help in soup kitchen by making food, sorting clothes, gathering supplies and basic necessities
Library: Volunteer (11th, 12th)
- Shelve, sort books in the local library
Regionals: Volunteer (11th, 12th)
- Old people's homes</p>
<p>I have well over 200 hours of community service (Tracked ones) </p>
Creativity Award- VeBS
AWANA Leader of the Year (1/yr)
Sybase Open Essay Contest
Superintendent's Honors List
Certificate: Library Volunteer
^ Nothing very significant; mainly volunteer awards/honors.</p>
Score!- Tutor (10th summer)
Barnes & Nobles- Sales Associate (11th summer)</p>
<p>Nationality: Asian/ Korean
Gender: Female
State: California</p>
UC San Diego
UC Los Angeles
UC Berkeley
<p>Also, should I try for any more of the Ivies or just stick with UCs?</p>