Okay, is livingston tha "black campus"??

<p>HAHA, my girl rachel lives up there and she told me that there are alotta african americans on livingston for some reason. i'm just curious cause i found that funnny...duecezz.</p>

<p>its def not</p>

<p>Rutgers is a very diverse school. You will find a lot of African-Americans on any campus. Livingston has its perks, as does each campus. It has the greatest percentage of freshmen students.</p>

<p>some kid i knew in high school, probably most stereotypically white kid i know (think white voice that dave chapelle puts on) lives on livingston, and i know a few other white kids from my high school wound up there freshman year so it can’t be all black. also a black girl i was friends with in hs lives on college ave, so i’m sure theres people of every ethnicity everywhere.</p>

<p>Haha about the “black campus”. I remember reading about that when I was applying to Rutgers. Livingston was the “black/Hispanic campus”, Busch was the “Asian campus”, College Avenue was the “white campus” and Cook/Douglass…erm, I don’t know.</p>

<p>The proportion of certain ethnicity at Rutgers is kind of lopsided, but you will find your share of diversities on each campus.</p>

<p>yeah, everything ya’ll said is true…</p>

<p>Is livingston horrible though? I head they call it tha quadjects, hahahaaa</p>

<p>“Quadjects”??? … LMAO… that’s the first time I’ve EVER heard that.</p>

<p>Livingston isn’t horrible, but it tends to have an unpopular reputation because it is basically there. It’s kind of in middle of nowhere and it doesn’t have the same appeal as the other campuses in terms of much activity. In addition, the campus at the moment is a bit of a mess because of the construction that is going on. The construction is supposed to be done by the Fall or Spring of next year, but let’s see how that goes.</p>

<p>I personally don’t think it’s bad, even though I don’t reside there (I have 3 classes there this semester). I wouldn’t cry if I had to live there next year. I know a lot of people like to make a big deal telling freshmen to avoid it, but I just don’t see the big fuss. If you want a social life, you always have the bus to take you to downtown New Brunswick or something.</p>

<p>the post-construction plans are supposed to be amazing. they’re going to have like a rockoff kind of set-up with dorms on top and stores on the bottom floor and they’re putting in all this landscaping and everything. </p>

<p>and as far as the social life goes, my friends are getting along swimmingly with their floor and everything. It’s not as socially stagnant as people make it out to be. it’s just that the campus is pretty unsightly at the moment, hence the construction to fix it.</p>



<p>You will soon learn that Rutgers “plans” a lot of things; what actually happens is typically the exact opposite of their plans.</p>

<p>way to stay optimistic lurker. </p>

<p>I’m generally skeptical about anything the administration promises (esp anything douglass-related), but at least they’re trying here, to do something nice for all the livingston haters. all that people see and complain about is the muddy construction on livingston; they tend to overlook the fact that the construction is leading to something. while that something might not be exactly what the administration has promised or planned, at least it’s something.</p>

<p>I heard the real estate agent who owns all the houses on frat row plans on turning all the frat houses into apartments once they get kicked out. The administration wants to move the frats to livingston.</p>

<p>alrighty then. that’s just fantastic.</p>

<p>Where did you hear that Rutgers89???</p>

<p>idk about that, why would frats continue to be able to get those houses then? given i don’t go to rutgers, a kid that i was friends with who is a few years older then me let me know that his frat (tdx) will be living at 66 college ave next year</p>

<p>So Livingston is not primarily African-American? I’ve read that a lot of places and so I was questioning putting that down as my first choice because I didn’t want to feel out of place there.</p>

<p>theres more black people there than any other campus, but from what friends say it’s not a majority.</p>

<p>well, all i know is wherever i live cannot be as bad as my high school now…</p>

<p>i’m one of tewenty black students out of about over 1,600 students. so invisible light, it’s really what you make of the situation. even if you do get placed on livingston, it will open your eyes to a whole new culture. seriously, i hated my high school, but i’ve made a lot of good friends and met a lot of good people. but just to be real, I MISS BLACK PEOPLE, lol. so if it is primarily black, i would have no problem living there at all.</p>

<p>haa, your funny ru_ready4me. actually, your situations sound very similar to mine.
i’m doing pharmacy and i heard that busch is really annoying to get around, i think im going to live on livingston.</p>

<p>Naija4lifee, I live on Busch right now, and I can definitely tell you that it’s MUCH better than Livingston. Busch seems really big at first, but you can definitely learn your way around it. It’s not bad at all.</p>

<p>I live on livingston, and i heard that it has changed from the past couple of years. It is definately more diverse…and with the construction coming almost to a finish it will be a nice campus.</p>