Okay so there are red triangles, green triangles, and yellow boxes. Gray circles??

<p>You know how on the Common App there's a red triangle in front of a college app or part of an app if you haven't started it, then yellow box if you've started it, and then a green triangle once it's submitted and downloaded by the school?</p>

<p>Right now, I have all these gray circles in front of my schools with teacher forms. What does a gray circle mean?</p>

<p>Would you mind providing a link to the picture?</p>

<p>I have a gray circle in the school forms section as well, haha. They are all submitted though. Maybe it turns to a green triangle after the school downloads them? Or maybe it is because my guidance counselor is an offline provider?</p>

<p>I have grey circles too lol
I think maybe it signifies offline provider…not sure though</p>

<p>^^ Well commonapp doesn’t track offline providers so it probably just will stay a gray circle.
Mine looks that way too but I know for sure (from the college) that they have been submitted.</p>

<p>I have the green triangles and my college hasn’t download my app yet, so you can rule that one out.</p>

<p>So can anyone post a link for the picture? That might be helpful</p>

<p>Here’s a pic: <a href=“ImageShack - Best place for all of your image hosting and image sharing needs”>ImageShack - Best place for all of your image hosting and image sharing needs;

<p>Ar, can you right click on that circle, go to properties, and copy the DIRECT link to the picture of the circle? Picture’s name might be the explanation.</p>

<p>Already did that before. lol. Its name is like “GrayCircle.jpg” or something useless.</p>

<p>Oh. Yea, that doesn’t help much</p>

<p>Pretty sure it signifies an offline provider. That’s how all of mine are as well, and they changed to that the moment my counselor signified that she was an offline provider.</p>

<p>Ah, ok. Thanks, gutter. That’s what I thought. On the “My Colleges” page, they should do something different though with the status of the school forms. It doesn’t make sense to still have the “not all submitted” yellow box since there is an offline provider.</p>