<p>My love of the day, March 11, is....ihateCA. His/her luscious body is incredible and he/she deserves an incredible kiss and a dance.</p>
<p>Is that all?</p>
<p>Don't worry Martha. You'll appear on one of my two "of the day" threads tomorrow. Which one will be a suprise</p>
<p>I believe that ihateCA is male...and you sure as hell don't sound like a girl.</p>
<p>hahahahahhaaa...okinawa, is there something we need to know? lol jp ;)</p>
<p>okinawa shall love prepkid a.k.a. want<em>a</em>scholarship every single day, so there would not be any point of posting her as the love of the 'day'.</p>
<p>Gender is no reason for not loving. I can love and even lust for the same gender and still be straight, right?</p>
<p>Shouldn't there be moderators to protect this board against spam?</p>
<p>please shut up. you dont need to click on it</p>
<p>do u have a "love" for everyday or something? lol</p>
<p>Yes I will have a love and hate to post everyday but I will contain them on the 2 already created threads.</p>
<p>cool, but what is it for? just collecting a list of loves and hates?</p>
<p>it's a presitigious honor i guess or a prestigious dishonor <em>oxymoron I know</em></p>
<p>oooo!!! So I wont read the "hate" list though, lol. Reading this list will be much better! ^_^</p>
<p>Oh, please, the hate list is a bigger honor... ;)</p>
<p>March 12: Love of the Day will be van(s) in New Jersey besides those labeled 1011. Delicious van..</p>
<p>"Gender is no reason for not loving."</p>
<p>please, i think we have another full-of-himself Sittingbull on our hands.</p>
<p>i liked sittingbull... where'd he go, anyways?</p>