Okinawa's Word of the Day

<p>Someone wanted more of these threads "Of the Day", so I give you a word of the day. You must USE it properly if you look at this thread in another thread. Learn here and apply. Today's word is </p>


<p>That is either of two triggerfishes native to the outer reefs of Hawaii-state fish of Hawaii.</p>

<p>The sad part is that this is HONESTLY and truly a word on my vocabulary list for lit class this week because my teacher is an idiot. She was like "we used to do an SAT word list, but I eliminated that because it bored me. I replaced it with a list of words I enjoy." Most of the words are random nouns rather than words useful in writing, but I love that lady since she is so wacky.</p>

<p>But NOW, enjoy and use the word.</p>

<p>That name literally means "fish with lips of a pig"
Isn't that wild?</p>

<p>almost as wild as the show "Wild and Crazy Kids" that used to be on Nick.</p>

<p>I'm gonna ask the woman at the McDonald's drive thru if my burger can be made of humuhumunukunukuapuaa.</p>

<p>or that SNL skit, you know the one:
"We are two <em>wild and craaaaazy</em> guys"</p>

<p>The one with Steve Martin?</p>

<p>Oh those were the days of great SNL skits!</p>

<p>Oops I crapped my pants... although I think they redid that a few weeks ago.</p>

<p>did you ever see the skit about that product being advertised (i cant remember the name) but they started arguing about whether it was a dessert topping or a floor was hilarious
"its a floor cleaner"
"no, its a dessert topping"
"no its not, its a floor cleaner!"

<p>nah, I haven't seen that.</p>

<p>Have you seen the one where the car had such a smooth ride that a circumcision could be performed in it? It showed these parents give a rabbi their baby, and as the car drove off, you could hear the kid squalling.</p>

<p>martha, thats DIRTY.
go sit in the corner.</p>