Old BB vs New BB; Old Barron's SAT 2400 vs the new one

<p>Hi all,</p>

<p>I was wondering what you think about the old BB vs new BB. Is the new one a lot better? Or is the old BB just as good? </p>

<p>What about Barron's 2400? </p>

<p>Which one (out of the two) do you recommend? I see good endorsements for the BB.</p>

<p>I'm kinda leaning towards the old ones because they're a lot cheaper.I only need one book since I already have Barron's Math wb and Kaplan's writing wb. I'm looking for a CR workbook.</p>

<p>Thanks, I just want to raise my score as quickly as possible. Even if I have to sit and do hours of practice.</p>

<p>Well the new BB has 3 new tests, 7 of the other tests in it are recycled from the old BB. The old BB itself has 8 tests. If the Old one is significantly cheaper, I’d say go for it. But if its like a buck or two, I would get the new one because 3 of the tests in it will give you and exact score like 700 whereas all the tests in the old one have a range like 650-750.</p>

<p>Definitely get the BB/BB2.</p>

<p>If you don’t already have the 3 new tests, get BB2. If you do, there’s no reason to pay 10 dollars extra for the same book. (with 3 extra tests)</p>

<p>I think I’m going to get the BB and borrow my friend’s Princeton Review tests.</p>