Old Exams

<p>I have heard from some of my friends who go to UCLA, repeatedly, that there is a certain group of students at this school that have access to old exams others do not have access to.</p>

<p>What was interesting is that these friends do not even know each other, and have told me this on seperate occasions. This rumor went as far to stop people from attending UCLA as opposed to other schools from what I have heard. </p>

<p>I want to know how true this rumor is, because there has to be a reason behind it if so many people have said the same thing.</p>

<p>what? old exams are available to everyone in the student activities center.</p>

<p>tryin to act all spooky lol</p>

<p>You remind me of dawritingmachine!..What ever happened to her?</p>

<p>she changed her name, thinkin that nobody wud notice that all the annoying questions would still be coming from the same person</p>

<p>oh, to the OP:</p>

<p>having old tests is illegal, as identified by the university of california board of education. i would suggest you throw your computer in the trash so they cant trace this back to you, throw you out of school, and still keep your tuition money and personal belongings</p>

<p>^proof please.</p>

<p>Some of the honors societies profess to have old exam banks, but the main source of exams is always from the Student Retention Center at UCLA’s Student Activities Center (I believe its room 105/106). </p>

<p>Only requirement to access the exam bank is to submit one of your past quarter’s exams.</p>



<p>Not for engineering. The main source of old engineering exams is through friends and classmates.</p>