<p>if a professor doesn't post a previous exam to study from, is there anywhere else that the exams are available (i.e. department, library, etc.)?</p>
<p>don’t bother with “legit” sources (ie, library, dept) - they won’t have any. best bets are old students, google, postyourtest.com.</p>
<p>what class is this? i still have half my exams in electronic form.</p>
<p>as do i.</p>
<p>but it’s also grounds for charges of academic dishonesty to share or be shared old exams that aren’t specifically authorized by the professor. i think. even if you’ve graduated. (thank you for that, academic dishonesty policy for bibc103.)</p>
<p>not that most people follow that though. start making friends. :)</p>
<p>oh i believe asp? has an old exam resources thing going on. they usually advertise free food in exchange for an old test, and then other students come in and get old tests to study from. that’s probably legit since the school hasn’t shut them down and even endorses them…</p>
<p>it’s for math 20f.</p>
<p>math.ucsd.edu > course web pages > previous years > look at course webpages for your math class from previous years. You’ll be surprised.</p>
<p>so departments don’t keep copies of previous exams from specific professors?</p>
<p>in all my experiences … no!</p>