Omg - i'm so screwed.

<p>I just got a 41/50 (82%) on my Driver's Knowledge Test. I barely passed... omfg. I studied all month for it. Am I doomed to get rejected by Harvard? *****.</p>

<p>I’m so much more screwed than you. I asked the Magic 8 Ball whether I will be accepted by Harvard and it said, “My sources say no.” I then asked about Stanford and it said, " Outlook not so good." Completely bummed I asked whether any school will accept me and it said, “Very doubtful.” I can’t believe I wasted the last four years.</p>

<p>Oh. My Magic Eight Ball said “It is decidedly so” for Princeton and “Signs point to yes” for Yale… but when I asked about Harvard… (tear)… “Reply hazy, try again.” I’m such a loser. A waste of life.</p>

<p>I got 2350 on my SATs. I cried myself all day long only to stop to lead my six national clubs. All of which I hold an officer position.</p>

<p>If you lead your six national clubs, that implies that you are in a leadership position. Redundancy FTL</p>

<p>Clearly those 50 points off were from the Writing section. :)</p>

<p>Only six? Slacker. I guess that means you have plenty of time to self-study all the AP Histories and Sciences, right?</p>

<p>I’m above Harvard’s IQ Limit :-(. They told me 220 IQs need not apply because we will get rejected.</p>

<p>I’m so upset, I got a 35 composite on my ACT. Are my chances gone?</p>

<p>You fail at life. Seriously, get off this boat.</p>

<p>500th post. Still not good enough.</p>

<p>I just got a B+ on a homework assignment for AP English class, tarnishing my A+++ reputation. I don’t know how I’ll get into any school now! I don’t even think my local community college will accept me with such horrible grades. My life is ruined!!!</p>

<p>Omg. I’m so stupid that I can’t even think of a witty reply to this thread! I might as well cancel all of my college apps and start filling out one for McDonald’s.</p>

<p>Damn it, my GPA just dropped from 4.9 to 4.8 I’m screwed I’ll never get into college anymore. I fail, I’m gonna go get a gun and shoot myself I can’t believe I can’t get 4.9 this is bull…</p>

<p>I’m completely lost</p>

<p>^ Lolll, I’m assuming this thread is poking fun at people who think their chances are ruined if their GPA drops a tenth of a point, their rec might be bad because they did something insignificant two years ago, etc. I find it hilarious.</p>

<p>So what’s the best way to let my parents know about that driver’s ed test? Chastity belt, here I come.</p>

<p>^You tell them that you scored worse than 99% of people and that your chance for admission into Harvard is ruined and that your only chance now is to get into Jackass University.</p>

<p>J/k. Dude, just tell them you passed. This is just a bullcrap test that you only need to pass. NOBODY cares what you got on the driver’s liscense test. The only thing that people care about when they sit down for that crap is to get it done and be able to drive.</p>

<p>I… was… joking.</p>

<p>So it’s been a couple of weeks. 50 weeks left before i’m un-grounded.</p>