<p>OMG!! We just noticed my daughter misspelled a word on her Common App and it has already been submitted!! What should she do? According to the Common App website, it can't be unlocked and changed. Should she contact each college? Or just hope they don't notice? Will this ruin her chances of getting in to these colleges? OMG!! She's devastated. We checked it 3 times before sending it. :(</p>
<p>Don’t worry about it! Numerous misspellings and errors that reflect carelessness would like bad I would think. One little typo isn’t going to make or break anyone. My son had one or two in his. Really - I don’t think you should worry about it!</p>
<p>I checked my application carefully about 5 times before sending it off, and I just realized today that I spelled “mannerisms” in my 150 word essay (on my most important extracurricular activity) as “manniersms”. Oops. So since that error somehow managed to evade me 5 times, I doubt it would stick out like a sore thumb to the adcoms who’ll read my file. I think your daughter will be fine. :)</p>
<p>My ds also misspelled a word in an admissions essay he had to do. It was a timed online essay for a special pre-med program. I am worried that he won’t get into the program now. Hopefully, they are more lenient than that.</p>
<p>I just realized I spelt “Additional” as “Additonal” on my resume. I checked mine a ton, and I even had some friends and my counselor edit it. No one caught it.</p>
<p>If you didn’t, hopefully adcoms won’t either. Don’t worry about it.</p>
<p>Don’t worry about it. As long as it wasn’t her name, you’re fine</p>
<p>And just so you know, it’s a pretty common occurrence.</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/573716-mistake-your-college-application-you.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/573716-mistake-your-college-application-you.html</a></p>
<p>That’s honestly no big deal. I am sure that people make bigger mistakes on their application than that. For example, I accidentally checked the wrong essay topic on my common app but I just made an alternate application and it was no big deal. I wouldn’t worry about it though, colleges know that you’re bound to miss something.</p>