<p>Anyone know what the identification policy is for people under 18 who want to fly in the air port...</p>
<p>My passport has expired and I can not get one renewed in time (If Owl Days is actually April 8th-9th) so I was wondering what I can use instead. Would a school ID and a Social Security number be enough?</p>
<p>BTW, I know this says Continental Airlines, but it’s under general airport information, meaning it’s applicable to all airlines:</p>
<p>h t t p : / / w w w . c o n t i n e n t a l . c o m / w e b / e n - U S / c o n t e n t / t r a v e l / a i r p o r t / i d / d e f a u l t . a s p x</p>
<p>look under the section of 15-17 years of age.</p>
<p>hmm that’s weird 'cause when I flew to socal for an interview, I tried to just use my school ID but I wasn’t able to get my ticket until I produced “actual proof,” which meant my passport…that could just be me though I suppose?</p>
<p>Just to be on the safe side, pop on over to your local Department of Motor Vehicles and get a Non-Driver Photo Identification card. Get that “state issued ID” and no hassles at airport.</p>
<p>Do not count on a school id. Why take the chance? A school id is not a government issued one.
From American Airlines site:
“Passengers 18 years of age or older are required to have government-issued photo identification for travel within the United States. However, you may be required to present proof of age (such as a birth certificate) at the airport for any children under the age of 18”</p>
<p>If you are close or even look close, you better have an ID that has your birthday on it. You can get an id card at the same place you get your drivers license. Or you can carry your birth certificate with another photo id.</p>