On-campus job

<p>How might an incoming freshman go about acquiring an on-campus job? I want to apply as soon as possible because I need the work experience and a paycheck but require somewhat flexible hours as well.</p>


<p>[ASUCLA</a> Human Resources](<a href=“http://www.collegestore.org/jobs-student/asucla-jobs.asp]ASUCLA”>http://www.collegestore.org/jobs-student/asucla-jobs.asp)</p>

<p>Are there seriously that few jobs available?</p>

<p>Try the residential dining halls. Very flexible and they’ll take almost anyone. Work your way up and you’ll make the big bucks.</p>

<p>well it is the summer, so there aren’t that many jobs posted.
i hear during 0 week there are a lot of jobs available</p>

<p>Hmph. Do you mean just jobs on campus or work study?</p>

<p>btw, hi guys! :)!</p>

<p>But, ummmmm, I don’t know what to do about work study. I feel a bit lost in that I don’t know what to really do and I feel frustrated because everything I’m trying to get prepared with like the AlcoholEDU stuff, housing installments, etc. I feel like, it’s not real…Maybe because it’s on the internet and it’s not really tangible. Do you get me?</p>


<p>OH! Gz, that was a tangent but I was trying to ask when or if we apply for work study or how in the world does that go about?</p>

<p>Was it offered on your efan? If it was, then I think employers are able to see that you have work-study and that makes your being employed a little more likely. Work-study pays half your paycheck and your employer pays the other half. Something like that. </p>

<p>Once you’re established on-campus, the quickest way to get a job is to visit the ASUCLA HR office on the 2nd floor of Kerckhoff Hall and fill out applications for the jobs you see on the boards. There’s one right next to the office and other on the A-level of Ackerman if my memory serves. You might need to take a test on your Word or Excel proficiency but the HR folks will help… it’s pretty straightforward.</p>

<p>I know a bunch of friends who have jobs in campus departments, but I’m not sure how they applied. Might want to ask around</p>

<p>I currently have an off-campus job in a lab I secured via luck :/</p>