Im a senior in high school and I’m planning to live on campus next year when accepted to college. I still don’t know if i should because of several reasons. Ive always been a shy person throughout my life. i understand that when living on campus, its polite to introduce yourself to your neighbors when first moving in. I don’t really like to introduce myself to people that much and i know that is a really bad aspect of me. Lately, I have been seeing a slight difference in regards to my shyness, but not that much, not too extreme… Im scared that i won’t like it if i end up living on campus, any advice???
Most schools require that you live there for at least one year. I’m a shy person too and I just moved in. It’s really not as bad as you think. You get to know your roommates, and you meet people in the communal restrooms, in the study lounges, in class, all over the place. You don’t have to “force” yourself to meet people; just don’t run away from people and you’ll find people with similar interests and perhaps people just as shy as yourself.
RA’s also organize gatherings for halls/dorms. Some are social, some are more focused on getting out information, etc. They may even do ice breaker-type activities. You’ll meet your “neighbors” at these meetings and as anxiousenior1 states, also in the routine day-to-day activities. Keep in mind that there will be other shy, introverts like you. Even though many people will want to appear like they have it all together right from day one, a lot of that will be a facade. It takes time to get to know people and make friends. Be patient and don’t assume everyone except you is instantly adjusting…
Not really true; most colleges have a substantial commuter population, although these are not usually the kinds of colleges that are commonly discussed here.
However, it is generally desirable to live in the dorms in one’s frosh year if attending a primarily non-commuter college and cost is not excessive to the point of causing affordability problems.
I’m shy, too, but I’m glad I lived in a dorm during college. In fact, I liked it so much that I stayed there all four years. On my first day in the dorm, I met a girl who ended up being my roommate for the last three years of college.
The entertainment value was worth a lot, too! It was amazing to see what polished sorority girls were like when they weren’t out in public!