<p>"Noisy Flights Can't Land; Offices Open Late To Avoid Traffic; Mothers Pray a Lot." And you think the SAT is bad.</p>
<p>On</a> College-Entrance Exam Day, All of South Korea Is Put to the Test - WSJ.com</p>
<p>"Noisy Flights Can't Land; Offices Open Late To Avoid Traffic; Mothers Pray a Lot." And you think the SAT is bad.</p>
<p>On</a> College-Entrance Exam Day, All of South Korea Is Put to the Test - WSJ.com</p>
<p>Similar things happen in China. 2 days, 12 hours and it determines the path you will take for the rest of your life.</p>
<p>omg XD im glad im in the US! 9 hr test LOL and everything else basically stopped o.o planes etc. COOL actually.</p>
<p>Now you know why some South Korean parents are desperate to send their children overseas for an education.</p>
<p>Not sure I’d have been up to all that bowing!</p>
<p>How awful for smart but antzy kids who have trouble sitting still for long tests.</p>
<p>i know it sucks… i would’ve taken that if i stayed in korea… i miss korea though :(</p>
<p>Kinda sounds like fun.</p>
<p>wow. Sounds like a fun place. I sure wish I could raise my children there.</p>
<p>내가 살다살다 수능 얘기를 cc에서 보게될 줄이야…</p>
<p>November 13 is like… The national day. I saw some high school students camping outside the test center before the test day so they can better cheerlead the senior testtakers. You can also see a bunch of parents outside their praying too. And oh yeah, few students will kill themselves shortly after this exam, I guess. It’s like the annual affair.</p>
<p>haha impsuit, there were actually couple boards in the past talking about soo-neung. </p>
<p>education in Korea is tough and like impsuit said, some do suicide after taking the exam (at least from what i read on korean newspapers). Its incredibly hard to enter college in Korea but regardless 80% still goes to college. Seoul National university actually accepts only like 3% of its applicants annually and many top-caliber school do same. This test is weighed most heavily in terms of admissions so students prep years for this test. That is why many Korean students choose US schools. </p>
<p>In fact, the most represented foreign minority in ivy league schools and other nationally ranked schools are Koreans. Couple of Korean high schools like Daewon high school and Minjok high school boasts the highest average SAT scores in the world (around 2250 is school average for both schools) and ivy-acceptances that are comparable to that of top high schools in US although all appicants from Korea are considered internationals.</p>
<p>lol sometimes i wish everything was over and done with in one exam instead of writing essays, doing extracurriculum activities etc etc </p>
<p>and yes i am a korean and well i feel sorry for all those who risk their whole entire schooling in one exam</p>
<p>The USA holds approximately 6% of the world’s population. Statistically, you should have been born in a 3rd world country and/or oppressive society. No matter how bad your day is, whether you get declined from all your colleges, lose a friend, get in trouble, remember that you were truly lucky to be born in a free country.</p>
<p>^lol what does this have to do with being born in a free country?</p>
<p>Oh wait… I thought this was about North Korea. Anyway, it is still a good thought. lol</p>
<p>Do you realize that test is longer than the MCAT?</p>
<p>Wait… how long is the MCAT? I’m going to have to take that in a few years.
South Korea’s a free country lol, very free.</p>
<p>수능(Korean College Entrance Exam) sucks… I am korean who has a lotta friends who are taking this exam, and there’s only one chance a year… It determines your future and path… Seriously, Korean students are crazy… most of them go to sleep at 3:00 am and wake up at 5 or 6:00… They barely sleep and work like a machine…
I hope this gets corrected by the government to improve other potentialities.</p>
<p>친구들아 수능잘봐라!!</p>
<p>wth… that’s crazy</p>