<p>I encourage people to develop their own view of the dorms!
People telling you how a place is can be helpful, but I wonder if at some level we're just repeating what we where told, not something we've actually seen. Its funny, I know all the stereotypes and "cultures" of the different dorms, but when I think about the people I know at them, or my experience with the people at them, none of it really supports the ideas I have in my head. I guess the ideas where put there by people directly and indirectly telling me that's how things are. Even if they're based in truth, how are things every going to change at this rate.</p>
<p>Of course none of this is black and white, and no one really can spends the months living at different places to actually get a feel for it, so we really do need the insights of others. But I encourage people to take what students say with a grain of salt. And realize that maybe baker and senior wouldn't be an awkward combination after all, if four years of freshman felt it wasn't.</p>