<p>ya...i'm gonna be a junior in the fall, just wanted to know if i'm on the right track. I live in California, and i'll probably be ELC</p>
<p>freshman grades</p>
<p>Adv. Alg 2 - B+/A
Health - doesn't matter
PE- doesn't matter
Comp Tec - A/A (doesn't matter though)
Adv. English - A/A
Japanese 1 - A/A
Biology - A/A</p>
<p>Sophomore grades</p>
<p>Japanese 2 - A/A
Honors English 2 - B/B+ (...)
AP Stats - A/A
AP World History - A/A
Leadership - doesn't matter
Chemistry - A/A
Math Analysis (Pre-calc/trig) - A/A</p>
<p>Junior classes</p>
<p>AP Physics C
AP Calc Ab (school only offers AB, will probably self study for BC test)
AP English Language
AP US History
Japanese 3
Couple of programming courses at comm. college</p>
<p>Senior classes (rough prediction)</p>
<p>AP English Lit
Japanese 4
some AP science (maybe Bio)
Art -pre req to graduate
Linear Algebra/differential equations @ comm. college</p>
<p>AP Stats - 4/5 (predicted)
AP world history - 4/5 (predicted)</p>
<p>SAT II - Math lvl 2 (700+ expected, took on june 3rd)
Chemistry (700+ expected, took on june 3rd)</p>
<p>national level fencer</p>
<p>finalist at ISEF (in 10th grade; i have 2 more years to compete in it)</p>
<p>Been doing cutting edge research since 8th grade (by myself, no lab/mentor or anything) and have won several awards at science fairs</p>
<p><em>Have done a couple of years of research in wireless sensor networks-UC berkeley pioneered in this field, and this is going to be huge in the future (my ISEF project involved wireless sensor networks)</em></p>
<p>developed a way to enhance camera security in schools using cutting edge technology (working on patent/implementing at school)</p>
<p>regional finalist at JSHS competition</p>
<p>black belt in tae kwon do</p>
<p>been writing in local newspaper for 6/7 years</p>
<p>going to do research at UC Santa Barbara this summer (neuroscience or engineering probably)</p>
<p>planning on interning at intel next summer (or RSI if i get in)</p>
<p>Sophomore class president</p>
<p>Youth Commisioner for my county (we are part of the county government; we work with the mayor etc)</p>
<p>Boy Scout (working towards eagle)</p>
<p>i know i can't really get chances yet, as i don't have enough information, but am i headed on the right track? is there anything else i should do/do differently?</p>