one c -- am i screwed??

<p>ok i'll make this short. i just finished sophomore year and i got a c in math on my 3rd term report card. my first term grade was a b, second term i pulled it up to an a-, but i got a c on my exam and apparently that counted for more than i thought. everyone in the class scored really badly though, i think the highest grade was a b+ and like half the class got cs or failed. ive had a lot of trouble at home this year, the family member i was closest to (grandmother) died, my parents fight all the time a, and i've missed like 3 weeks of school because i was sick (big deal at my school). my math class is unofficially the most challenging class at my school (we don't have honors/ap, only pre-ib), it has brought down a lot of people's averages, but it shows up as a regular math class on my transcript so i guess colleges will think i'm lazy. i still have a b average in math for sophomore year, and ALL OTHER GRADES ARE A'S. i will be in the ib diploma next year, and since i will have a different teacher i can raise my grades back to all a's/a-'s. </p>

<p>sorry this is so long, but basically, am i screwed for selective schools because of that one c? if it helps, i go to a rigorous private school. again, i will have a b average in the class for the year, with all a's otherwise freshman and sophomore year. </p>

<p>please help, i'm pretty much panicking right now.</p>

<p>Screwed, no not really, as long as you prove that you are efficient by taking the IB exams or the SATI or SATII exams. It may possibly put you at a disadvange when colleges consider someone with the same stats without the C. But each school has different level courses and grade inflations such as for Honors/APs. But its the standardize test that prove you aptitude.</p>

<p>I mean you should do well on the IB and SATIIs, not just take them.</p>

<p>do you have to hand in the 3rd term report card? isn't it just the midterm and the last report card you send?</p>

<p>i think they send the grades from all 3 terms of each year, + each year's average. sophomore12, i hope you're right... it's not that i'm bad at math, i scored in the 94th % (not sure how much that is) on the psat...both verbal sections were 99 % though, so i'm definitely better at humanities/language. i'm hoping that colleges will notice that it's a one-time thing, since i'm counting on better grades for junior/senior years.</p>

<p>What type of math caused you this "C"?</p>

<p>the math itself didn't cause me the c, i understood pretty much everything, i just test badly in math because the teacher i had wrote such long a magazine-length exam... im a really methodical person and i need more time to be able to finish. i'm going to look into extra time for next year, because it's really a problem. i clearly don't have a learning disability, it's just that in math i don't work well under pressure. then, sincei am struggling to finish, i make stupid/careless mistakes because i try to do everything quickly.</p>

<p>anyone else??</p>

<p>ok, i am SO RELIEVED...i just talked to my school and they made a mistake in writing the grades on my report card, and accidentally put my exam grade in the term grade actual term grade is a b-, which is still a terrible grade by my standards, but at least its not a c, and my average for the year will be a b+. 2 b's (for term grades, i only have the one b+ for year averages) and the rest a or a- is fine for ivies, right? especially if junior year is all a's??</p>

<p>worried chillface to the max man one c aint gonna break anything just try to keep it to that one c, but man in your first post u were ready to cite 12 different reasons or excuses for it, i think that would look worse to colleges instead of taking responsiblity for whatever it is. anyway, college admission isnt determined by one term's grade geez</p>