One of the best books I've read in the last 6 months is . .

Just finished Campusland by Scott Johnson. A witty satire set at an elite university in the northeast. Very funny with a tight plot. A must read for those who follow the changing world of colleges today, making it perfect for us on CC.

“the book of night women”So far this is a fantastic audio book, so thanks for the recommendation.

I like all of these posts – More reading; less TV next year. I did just read "where’d you go Bernadette " and enjoyed that. going to read back through this thread for more ideas.

** this is a side note, but about reading. My S20 wrote an essay and mentioned his love of reading as a young teen; he read 308 book during his middle school years - about a book every 3 days. (and scored a 36 in the reading section on the act. I think they are related!). NOW - fast forward 4 years – he rarely reads books - its all phone based. I feel like that phone has taken over so much in the last few years. I hope to get him back to reading; so if there’s any teen/male books you’d recommend - I’ll listen.

He will come back. My daughter read hundreds of books a year up through high school. Her college essay was also about her love of reading! Then in college she hardly read (only if an author she loved had a new book out). Now 3 1/2 years out of college, she reads a lot again. She will check out books on her phone from the local library and polish them off in no time. I won’t say she reads hundreds a year, but she does once again love reading as her major leisure activity.

My thirtysomething kids realized a few years ago how much their book-reading (as opposed to online journals, articles etc) had really gone down, and they’ve both made a concerted effort to rekindle that habit. They’ve been visiting this weekend and lots of talk about books read and books being read. So don’t give up; it comes back! :slight_smile:

I read Crazy Rich Asians on my daughter’s recommendation and I really enjoyed it. I also liked the movie as well. I am also planning to re read Little Women and see the movie version that’s out now too

@surfcity I try to read every evening before bed and I’m pretty good at doing that. I also read during the day, but how much really varies. If we’re out and about and busy, I may not read at all during the day.
I do read the paper, online news and magazines. My husband and I get our local paper and we do subscribe to some magazines. I also read the NY Times online and some other news outlets.

@calla1 I really want to read that book! I love travel writing.

Some books that I always love are the Bill Bryson ones. Notes From a Small Island about England. In A Sunburned Country about Australia

I also have Nelson Mandela Long Walk to Freedom to read. H is just finishing it up
can’t wait to read it!

^bill bryson fan, read “ In a sunburned country” about 10 years ago, and remember the chapter about Australian fires every winter. I have paid close attention to these fires for last 10 years, and now the world is watching the apocalyptic fires destroying Australia.
Have read many of his books, but learned so much from “ In a sunburned Country”

I enjoy reading Bill Bryson too! Really liked his Appalachian trail book “a walk in the wood” and “one summer: America 1927”.

Just finished Ann Patchett’s “the Dutch house”, I have read five of her books and this one does not disappoint, she is a great storyteller with characters that always leave strong impressions (all flawed, many lovable, some hateful).
Might be spoiler here:

But I do wonder whether she has some issues with motherhood, ?, like growing up with a mom that was not wholly there. Anyone read her Patron Saint of Liars? I almost felt The Dutch House was a sort of psychological continuation of the “liars”. Anyway, enough of my failed attempt of psychoanalysis, highly recommend Dutch house.

I just finished The Topeka school. I have to say I am pretty ambivalent. It was a good production of an audio book but I thought at some point I would see why I was persisting. Maybe I just read a dozen essays with no thread to make it a book. Glad my kids never took debate that far though LMAO.

Have you read Lerner’s “10:04” and “Leaving the Atocha station” too? Asking because I think Topeka school is kind of a sequel to the above two and I am hesitant starting this one without reading the other two. Does it matter?

No, I haven’t, but I have to say that I am not inclined to now LOL.

How interesting that I just listened to this podcast “Ben Lerner - Leaving the Atocha Station from Bookclub -” and I do plan to read all three of his books now

I have guilty pleasure to share. I recently finished (on audio) “Maybe You Should Talk to Someone” by Lori Gottlieb (author of Dear Therapist for The Atlantic).

She’s a good writer. I’d describe this book as a “light beach read”. Not sure it deserves all the hype that’s on the Amazon page I linked to, but it was enjoyable and a nice break from some of the heavier non-fiction I’ve been reading.

I recently read “The Beekeeper of Aleppo” (Christy Lefteri) and liked it a lot.

I’ve read a couple of fun books recently. The Mother in Law and The Family Next Door by Sally Hepworth. The voice actor of the audiobooks is great. Also enjoying Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson - again, great voice actor.

@cartera45 those were great reads. I enjoyed them both! Secrets of Midwives was good also.

Dang it! I did not finish The Weight of Ink before my virtual loan expired and now I’m back in the queue with a possible 12-week wait. I love the virtual library, but I hate that it will not let me extend a loan, just re-request. Fortunately, I had The Lady in the Lake available and finished that one quickly. Both were books I selected based on recommendations here, and both did not disappoint. Thanks book lovers. Now to find something else while I wait for Ink again

I have not tried this but I was told that if you keep your iPhone (if that were your e-reader) in airplane mode, the loaned ebook won’t expire ? love weight of ink!
I have had several instances of books expiring and having to wait for months to get it back and finish reading.