One of the best books I've read in the last 6 months is . .

I finally finished “Transcendent Kingdom” – what a lovely, thoughtful book. Yaa Gyasi is really an amazing writer, and thinker.

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I’m not super into fantasy/science fiction, but I really loved Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn series, particularly the first trilogy. Sanderson is adept at creating alternate universes with different physical laws and amazing story arcs and relatable characters.

His Stormlight Archives series is hugely popular, though I find the books a bit intricate and long for my taste. I’m reading them because my son LOVES Sanderson, and I love my son, and this is a good way for us to connect.

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My daughter and I both just read Brandon Sanderson’s The Rithmatist. Very good - ends with a little bit of a cliffhanger but he has never published a sequel.

First time posting here. I just took screenshots of so many of your suggestions and I’m excited to dive in!

This may have already been mentioned, but I just finished American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins. It is both disturbing and compelling - I couldn’t put it down.

I also sometimes think the only reason I read Sanderson is to talk to my youngest who loves him. He loves his podcast “Writing Excuses” too. I get really impatient with the intricate magic systems. My favorite of his is actually (so far) a stand-alone Warbreaker, mostly because I love the sentient sword.

@Solstice155 American Dirt is great. I think everything Jeanine Cummins has written has been wonderful. A Rip in Heaven is my second favorite ( disturbing and not what I normally read but so well written).

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Just finished Miss Benson’s Beetle and really liked it. By the author of The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry.

Finished the new Stephanie Plum book. Another formulaic tome. However, if you have not read Twisted Twenty-six, you should read that before the new one.

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I am about 3/4 finished THE VANISHING HALF by Brit Bennett. It is very good - thought provoking and an enjoyable read.


Bumping up for visibility


Thank you! You must have sensed my distress, lol!

Our December book “Harry’s Trees”.

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And there is a separate thread for the December book.

Recently reread Dorothy Sayer’s Gaudy Night having finally reread all the books leading up to it and was reminded again how much I love that book. While there’s a mystery, there are some major deviations from standard tropes. It’s clear that just as Harriet is trying to move from the more who-done-it style of mystery so is Sayers. I really enjoyed looking at what is essentially the early days of the feminist movement and even some of the characters that seem a little over-written get humanized at the end. This one might be better to be read on the Kindle so you can have all the Latin bits translated for you!


Yes, sorry, should have mentioned that. I hope it was okay to say it was a great book here. Some folks may not read the book club discussion so it’s to recommend it to them.


That’s fine for the recommendation. I just did not want to turn this thread into a discussion of that book.

I just started Gawdy Night. I have enjoyed all of the Dorothy Sayers books and look forward to this one too.

@mathmom and @Singersmom07: I’m running behind you guys Sayers’ series-wise. I just finished Strong Poison and am heading soon into Five Red Herrings.

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Did this happen to anyone else - ever since the new launch, this thread was pinned at the top of Parents Cafe for me, but there had not been any new activity.

Suddenly today, I notice the thread is “unpinned” and no longer at the top of Parents Cafe. It took me a while to find it which is when I noticed it was “unpinned.” I had not done anything, hadn’t even opened the thread until now b/c I hadn’t seen any new activity. What gives? So frustrating!

Someone else posted this in another thread… I just found a control in profile preferences - interfaces that had a block checked that was “unpin when reach bottom”.

I did this and so far it appears to be keeping the pinned items pinned.