One of the best books I've read in the last 6 months is . .

@silverlady have you watched Station Eleven now on HBO Max? I think you’d enjoy it

@ignatius - thanks for your list! You seem to like the same kind of books I do. I will look for These Toxic Things.

Can’t believe that no one has mentioned Razorblade Tears. I’m not quite done with it yet - trying to savor it! - but it’s already a favorite.

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Hi scout59: Razorblade Tears is on hold for at the library. It’s one of the books I look forward to reading. Last year I read and really liked S.A. Cosby’s novel Blacktop Wasteland.


Just finished “The People We Meet on Vacation” - perfectly my style and enjoyment level!

Just borrowed (Kindle/Libby) Apple Never Fall…. I LOVE the Libby app and the ability to put books on hold, delay a delivery, etc.!


@abasket my library uses Libby too and I love it!


Just heard a good review for Apple Not Fall from a relative. Curious to hear what you think!

Read Malibu Rising in almost one fell swoop and enjoyed it enough that I am now on hold for two of Reid’s other books.

Last night I finished the newest Stephanie Plum, Game On: Tempting Twenty-Eight. I remember the discussion here about #27, which generally we disliked iirc. #28 is quite an improvement- not great literature, but much calmer and more believable other than the denouement twist at the end. There were a couple of likable new characters and much of the nuts and bolts of tracking someone down. So if you were thinking of giving up the series, it’s safe to return.


Just finished Oh, William by Elizabeth Strout. So introspective, I think it’s her best yet.


@Marilyn I am so glad that you liked Game On: Tempting Twenty-Eight. I am starting it now that I finished *Cloud Cukoo Land. I don’t know why, but I like the series, but some are definitely more memorable than others!!


As long as Grandma Mazur is still a character in the Stephanie Plum series, I’ll keep reading because her antics crack me up. At this point, I think Evanovich can write these in her sleep!


Grandma’s in it but not as a plot driver.


I just finished The American Spirit by David McCullough, best known for his Pulitzer Prize biographies of Truman and Adams. It is a collection of about 20 speeches he has given over the last 20 years. Of particular interest here are six speeches he gave at different colleges and, as you would expect, delving into the history of each school.


@ignatius - I’ve almost finished Razorblade Tears. I tried to read it slowly but it’s hard to do so! I also read Blacktop Wasteland and loved it, too.

I’m a huge SA Crosby fan girl now!


I think it was mentioned years ago on this thread, but I had never read “I Capture the Castle” and just finished it. Loved it! Just found out it is a movie, so I’ll watch that soon.


Is one of them “Daisy Jones and the Six”? I liked that even more than Malibu Rising. Now on to her other book, about the husbands of somebody :slight_smile:


Not Silverlady, but we are watching this. As usual, I am glad I read the book first, I think the language of the book is much richer than the action. At first glance, the book seems to be a plot-driven read, but really, it is so much more. I will be curious to see how the rest of the miniseries goes. They have already made some changes to the book that affect later things.

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I admit I was lost for awhile in the early episodes, I forgot so much, but by episode four, it clicked. It’s a challenging show to watch and I read the book. The deadly, flu epidemic took on a whole new relatable meaning.

I read Station Eleven and the one that came after that too. Blanking on the name right now. It wasn’t a sequel but did have some of the same peripheral characters.

Another pandemic dystopian novel that I read and liked was “Song For a New Day” by Sarah Pinsker. The basic plot is about how an up and coming female singer/indie rocker copes with a pandemic. I work with folks in music so it was very relatable to me. I thought it hit all the right notes (insert bad pun groan).

Right now I’m reading “A Visit From the Good Squad” by Jennifer Egan. It won the Pulitzer in 2011 and I am enjoying parts of it, but it’s not a sink-your-teeth-in book for me. Easy to put down.

Yes, and the other hold is indeed The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. I gather there’s some crossover of characters in the books.

Re Station Eleven, I’m almost through watching the HBO Max series and have the book on hold. From the tv board discussions, I gather there are quite a few changes and people seem to prefer the book. The tv show is pretty intense but riveting so I am looking forward to the book.

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I really love seeing what other people are reading! I just put Station Eleven on hold. I had her other book on hold The Glass Hotel but kept pushing it back as my other holds became available. I just finished The Exiles, by the author of Orphan Train. It was an excellent read. I just started a NF Hidden Valley Road about a family with 12 kids, 6 of them are eventually diagnosed with schizophrenia. Very sad and disturbing. Happy New Year of reading!