One of the best books I've read in the last 6 months is . .

Have had Wolf Hall on my shelves forever. Finally decided to take the plunge. The print version was ok but then I switched to the audiobook and it took off. Why didn’t anyone tell me how gossipy it was? At first I was put off with all of the details but by the end I was relying on those details. Fun book.

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Have you seen the television adaptation with Mark Rylance? It was stellar.

I haven’t but it’s on my list now. Thanks!

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Just finished The Lonely Man by Chris Powers. If you like John LeCarre, you’d like this! hard to categorize as it isn’t strictly a spy novel or a thriller or literature – the last half of the book takes off like a rocket and you honestly are never quite sure where things are going, in an absolutely good way.

Just finished The Lincoln Highway, and I loved it! It was an adventure from beginning to end. I really put off reading it because many people said it was a disappointment. While I also loved Gentleman In Moscow, I judged this book on its own merits. I am just now starting The Girl With The Louding Voice, which my friend recommended as the best book she has read in a long time. Happy Reading!!


The Girl with the Louding Voice is also one of the best books I read recently.


“Cloud Cuckoo Land”. I did not get it in time for our discussion here but read it this month and I am so glad I did. One of the most magnificent books I’ve ever read. Glorious writing. Imaginative stories. I loved it. Very different and very lovely.


I guess I need to try Cloud Cuckoo Land again. I just couldn’t get into it but sometimes it’s when I’m trying to read something rather than what I’m reading.

I just finished Great Circle by Maggie Shipstead and really liked it. I get ideas from so many places I’m not sure if it was one recommended here already.


I thought Cloud Cuckoo Land was a little hard to get into, but then I got really intrigued by the way it was structured, and I realized that something that had been bugging me wasn’t actually a problem after all.


I liked Cloud Cuckoo, but it did take a while to get into it since there were so many unrelated stories going. Thanks for mentioning Great Circle because it is on a list of books we’ll be considering for selection at a book club. I have it on hold at the library because it seems like a good book for me even if not selected.


I recently finished The Verifiers by Jane Pek. It’s kind of a mystery, but more than that. The protagonist is a Chinese-American lesbian living in NYC. She goes to work for a company called Verifiers, which checks out people who their clients met on dating apps to ascertain whether they are who they claim they are.


I’m reading it also. I’ve only read 100 pages or so but am enjoying it so far.

I’m happy I checked the Amazon Deal of the Day kindle book list. Today you can download The Warmth of Other Suns for $3 and I’ve been meaning to read it.


I loved The Lincoln Highway immensely. Found the book has so much depth besides being an adventure story.


I can’t remember if I posted this already, but I just finished “Lost and Found” a memoir by Kathryn Schulz. It was exquisite. Full disclosure - I have met her and her partner and they are delightful.

But her writing is lovely. In the first half she writes about losing her father, which I had recently gone thru, and it was helpful, if at times painful, to read her thoughts on this. The second half is more uplifting. Lost & Found by Kathryn Schulz: 9780525512486 | Books


Our zoom book club recently read “The Lincoln Highway”. We did enjoy it, though I think we all agreed that we had enjoyed “A Gentleman in Moscow” (also by Amor Towles, read on our own in prior years) even more.


I can’t recommend The Girl With The Louding Voice highly enough. It is sad and funny, depressing and uplifting! My next book is going to be All Boys Aren’t Blue. Curious to know why people are trying to ban it.


Can anyone recommend something excellent but not sad? I feel like I need something a little uplifting? Fiction or nonfiction, doesn’t matter…

@greenbutton - I don’t know if this fits, but I’m currently reading “Mudlark” by Lara Maiklem. She is a mudlark on the Thames, searching the foreshores for treasured and not-so treasured (but fascinating nonetheless) things from the past. I’d started following a couple of mudlarks on twitter, and then came across her book. NF, more essays than anything else.

When I need a boost, I pull out old Jennifer Cruisie or Elizabeth Peters books. Funny, well-written, and just comfort reading.


I can’t remember whether you participate in the CC Bookclub, but I’d say Harry’s Trees by Jon Cohen might fit your bill. Also I think The Shipping News - which was published ages ago, but I’m only just getting around to reading.