One of the best books I've read in the last 6 months is . .

Recently finished Olga Dies Dreaming, by Xochitl Gonzalez, and definitely recommend. Smart, entertaining, and thoughtful. Well written overall.


I read the first chapter, but Iā€™m not sure Iā€™m going to stick with it now as Iā€™m in the middle of another long book and I found the protagonist rather unpleasant. But maybe Iā€™ll try again, when I have more time. I know thereā€™s a lot of holds.

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Sheā€™s ā€¦ complicated. But figuring out why and how to move forward as a person are a lot of the story.


I think that ā€œThe Plotā€ by Jean Hanff Korelitz was mentioned here a while back. I just finished it and thought it was very goodā€“solidly entertaining, especially, for me, the ins and outs of the lives of writers and would-be writers.

I will say that I figured out the major reveal way before the ending. There was a clue planted earlier that was very obvious to me for reasons I wonā€™t say here. But this did not take away my enjoyment of the book at all. It was really about characters and ideas, not actually The Plot!


I enjoyed The Plot. I figured out the twist early in the book, but I thought that the writer meant for you to figure it out and be several steps ahead of the protagonist in solving the mystery. Oddly, most of the book group members who read it with me never saw it coming. I do love books about writers and writing so that was a big plus for me. Plus the book within the book was very cool.


I enjoyed The Plot, it was a fun, quick read. Did not care for Olga, felt it was too all over the place. Really, really liked Groundskeeping

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Really enjoying To Paradise by Hanya Wanagihara. Picked it up because A Little Life had been so impressive. Iā€™m only about halfway through it but I am wanting to find time to sit down with it. Not always the case!


The mention of Olga character reminds me that I recent finished Olga Dies Dreaming by Xochitl Gonzalez. I think it was recommended here(?). I liked it.


Yes, I mentioned it above. I liked it to.

I think that is probably right.

A different Ulysses - Ron Chernowā€™s biography of Grant. Took me the better part of a year cuz Iā€™m a slow reader. But, I feel like I finally know who that guy in the tomb on Riverside Drive really is and how he got there.


We listened to Grant on our round trip AZ-ME roadtrip last summer, but still didnā€™t finish it. I had to borrow the e-book to complete it later. The book could use some serious editing as there is a ton of repetition. Still, a very good and informative read.

West Point (finally) installed a 7.5 foot bronze statue of Grant on the edge of the parade field a couple of months before our son graduated.


While cleaning up bookshelves, I pulled out, and re-read (for maybe the 5th time!) ā€œcanā€™t we talk about something more pleasant?ā€ , a graphic autobiography by Roz Chast, the New Yorker cartoonist. It is hilarious, heartbreaking, and so real and honest. Really canā€™t recommend it enough, especially to those in the throes of dealing with elderly/aging parents.


Whoā€™s voice is the audio book? Anyone famous?

Itā€™s read by Mark Bramhall, not anyone I know, but he does a great job reading all the letter excerpts with just a hint of voice differentiation and soft accent. Overall, very pleasant to listen too. His narration makes for easy listening.


I just finished The Violin Conspiracy by Brendan Slocumbā€”music, mystery, and a missing Stradivarius. Great read!

Just finished What Strange Paradise by Omar El Akkad. Beautiful and heartbreaking story; a non chronological explanation of how and why refugees climb onto a boat to sail away from Syria, and how things go right and wrong .

invisible Child has won the Pulitzer! Very highly recommended (and I am feeling clever for having read it months ago)


@greenbutton I read What Strange Paradise a couple of months ago. Beautifully written and definitely heartbreaking!

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nm, I got it.

Just finished Vigil Harbor by Julia Glass. Excellent! The writing is so strong and the story very compelling. I loved it!

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