One of the best books I've read in the last 6 months is . .

If any of you like Randy Rainbow, his autobiography was really interesting.


West With Giraffes
Made me tear up.

I just finished Paula McClain’s Like Family. Her memoir is about the fourteen years she and her sisters spent in foster care. Her mother disappeared one day and never returned and her father, an alcoholic, was in and out, mostly out. I really enjoyed it–an excellent memoir. I decided to read it because I loved McClain’s book The Paris Wife, a fictionalized account of Ernest Hemmingway and Hadley Richardson’s (Hemmingway’s first wife) time in Paris in the 1920s.


I recently saw her speak. She had a very tough life and is still not fully adjusted. Her latest novel, When the Stars Go Dark, also addresses the issues with foster care.

Crying in H Mart & Pachinko


My zoom book club read “When the Stars Go Dark” last year. It was road trip time, so I happened to listen to Audible version. I thought it was pretty good.

I just finished our current selection for that book club, “The School for Good Mothers” by Jessamine Chan. It is rather far fetched, with a bit of dystopian theme. If it has not already been a CC choice, it might be one to consider - lots for parents to discuss.

Matterhorn by Karl Marinates is an amazing novel about the Vietnam War. Intense and brutal.

Lincoln Highway was great.


I just finished Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel and loved it. I thought it was even better than Station Eleven.


Another vote for Midnight Library. Quick read but end was so impactful.

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Curious to know what people have on their “waiting to read” list. (Mine is short and looking for recommendations). Mine is: Booth, The Lioness, Violeta, recently added based on recommendation here
Sea Of Tranquility.

Finishing The Anomoly (for the CC Bookclub), it’s been going slowly because I’m reading it in French, but check up with the English version to make sure I’m not missing anything critical, and Fair Trade by Steve Miller and Sharon Lee (which sadly is a little dull). Next up Abadon’s Gate (the third Expanse novel) and New Horizons - The Gollancz Book of South Asian Science Fiction. I also would like to give Frankenstein a go, because Mary Shelley really is the godmother of sci fi.


I am in full-scale summer reading mode, i.e., craving lighter, well-written books that are easy to follow. (Between the state of the world and my diminishing attention span, I just can’t focus the way I used to.) I’m currently reading and enjoying Lessons in Chemistry by Barbara Garmus–a first novel by a woman over 60! Here’s my latest TBR list: The Maid by Nita Prose; Black Cake by Charmaine Wilkerson; and This Time Tomorrow by Emma Straub.


We’re enjoying listening to Trevor Noah read Born a Crime, his memoir of growing up in South Africa, while we drive from AZ to ME. I had read it a while ago and thought it would be fun listening for a road trip, and it is. He is an excellent storyteller, and his voice impersonations (especially of his mother and gran) are fantastic.


The Nix by Nathan Hill is fantastic.


The 1619 Project by Nikole Hannah-Jones is on sale today for $3.99 in the Kindle form.


Thanks for the heads-up. Has anybody read it in Kindle form?

You’re welcome. Sorry I haven’t read it yet.

I just read Station 11. Whoa. Really good. I’ve had it on my nightstand for a long time - I should have read it sooner. Really chilling to read after the last two years, particularly. Amazing that she wrote it in 2014. (It’s about the world before and after a catastrophic pandemic.) Highly recommend.


Finished In Paradise! It’s 3 stories that are really only very loosely woven together but which share themes. I can say that since I finished, I keep thinking about it. The writing is beautiful, so if you’re on the fence about this one, go for it. The last story is set in the future and while clearly imagined, it has its underpinnings in today’s reality and is quite unsettling. (@Poochie21 , take note!)


If y’all like pandemic stories and rock-n-roll I recommend “Song For A New Day” by Sarah Pinsker. It came out in Fall 2019 and is about a touring musician during a pandemic! Amazing timing on that one.

My D just gave me Louise Erdrich’s new one for my birthday and I am enjoying it so far.