One of the best books I've read in the last 6 months is . .

Has anybody read The ■■■■■■■ of Istanbul? It a great read, and highly recommended.

Seriously can’t use that word in a book title? (Rhymes with fast yard)


I just finished The Wishing Game by Meg Shaffer. PW starred review and on a couple of best summer reads. Tragedy and triumph blend in a whimsical and gratifying romance about what makes a family. (Paraphrasing.)
I wish the children’s books at the center were real. Just a good book.

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Just finished the Cartographers. I DID NOT like it. It was an easy enough read but it was so dumb.

I did not buy into the story at all. Not the magical/fantasy part but the motivations and decisions of the characters. The premise had so much potential.


I’m normally not into fantasy/magical plots. But I did like The Cartographers. Maybe it helped that I was tickled to be familiar with the locations, was willing to suspend disbelief.

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I don’t mind them, even enjoy, but she didn’t sell me on the whole fallout and consequences plot.

The audio included a podcast episode with the author where the Midnight Library came up ( I can’t remember why) Did you read it? I really enjoyed it.

I’ve not heard of Beartown. But I did really like Midnight Library (though I think my book club friends found it tedious after a while). And The Girl with The Louding Voice was excellent.


Ha! I edited my wrong post - was meant for the audiobook thread.

But Beartown (and sequels) is great. Fredrik Backman.

Definitely recommend!


Two Lives of Lydia Bird reminded me of Midnight Library. It was a sweet, enjoyable read.

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Wow! I didn’t know that. I suppose it will be on the ‘banned book’ list soon :rofl:


Yes this was a great read


I just finished the audio book of Daisy Jones and The Six. Really liked it, moved along quickly, liked the format. I’m still confused though…without giving any spoilers…so there never was such a band? And the “twist” near the end - has no relation to anything fact (vs fiction)???

Isn’t it amazing? Totally made up but you 100% believe you are listening to an actual documentary. I had to stop myself from googling the band several times.


I totally did that - was looking for YouTube videos, etc…!

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And she even has the song lyrics in the back of the book. BTW the amazon series is no way near as good as the book. Dragged out to be hours and hours. The author said that by name dropping in her books (hey they went to a club and bumped into Mick Jagger), people believe the entire thing is real. The rumor is that she loosely based it on Fleetwood Mac (she has not confirmed this)


The album is available on Spotify - the recorded for the series.

I am dragging my was through the series. Just can’t get into it. I also think she is a terrible Daisy?

I just finished The Whispers by the author of The Push. I really like the premise of the books she writes, but really struggle with the writing style. I find myself skipping pages to just get to the core of the story. I also find the twists in the story lackluster. Is it just me? I just find them written to be bestsellers. If you compare The Push to We Need To Talk About Kevin, there is no doubt in my mind which one I prefer.

Flew through The Fourth Wing (no pun intended). Very enjoyable IMO. But I just knew it was going to give me a cliffhanger. Grrrr!!! I hate having to wait for the next book!

It was a fun break from grown up stuff.

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I read Trust by Hernan Diaz while travelling. Excellent book. It is told as 4 separate stories but they tie together.


I enjoyed The Memory Box (Kathryn Hughes). It is a WWII story, interwoven with 2019 life/friends of the 100 year old survivor. It’s only $1.99 for Kindle download, nice novel to have for a trip.

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