One of the best books I've read in the last 6 months is . .

I do a lot of audio books but was going to read this one because he writes so well. If it’s slow, though, I may stick to audio…. I did hear his narration is excellent.

I haven’t read that one, but after enjoying Song of Achilles so much, I think I will!

I just finished Exiles by Jane Harper. I have read every one of her books and I love them all. The CC Book Club read The Dry a few years ago. She has a way of starting a book quietly and builds to a great finish. She had me guessing the whole way on this one. I can’t recommend all of her books enough.


I really enjoyed Exiles as well. I hope it’s not the end…

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Thanks for posting! I didn’t realize there was a new one in the series. Can’t wait to read!

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Finished The Marriage Portrait by Maggie O’Farrell. I had mixed feelings about it. I sometimes got impatient with the number of words she used to describe things, not to mention the obscure ones.

Warning spoilerish!

Additionally, I have very mixed feelings about the ending. I’m pretty sure I know what she was up to, but interested to see conflicting opinions in Goodreads!

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Zeebamom, that is my hope too!!

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Another big thumbs up for Exiles. I think it is my favorite of Jane Harper’s so far.

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Not sure if Birnam Wood by Eleanor Catton has been recommended, but it blew my mind. Also loved her earlier novel, The Luminaries. These aren’t easy reads, but they are fully immersive and I still think about characters and moments from both of them, long after reading.


Thank you for the Legends and Lattes recommendation - it was a fun, sweet summer read. I’m tempted to now try the Thimblebits recipe I found online!

I felt the same way you did about the Woman in the Library, and second (third?) the recommendation for Circe if you enjoyed Song of Achilles.


Just abandoned a book for the first time in awhile. The Postmistress by Sarah Blake is god awful. Confusing, boring, just zero connection between characters. Hated it. Stopped 50% in.

I’ve been reading Dennis Lehane’s new novel, crime story that takes place in South Boston during the school busing issues in the '70s. It’s a disturbing story and I start it and then put it down and then pick it up again. Has any read it? What do you think?

I tend to read murder mystery series, and I want to abandon a series for the first time. Nevada Barr writes a series whereby her sleuth is a national park ranger, Anna Pigeon, and each book takes place at a different national park, as Anna is transferred (common in that profession).

For the second time now, I just cannot get into one of the books—new setting, completely new set of characters (except for the ranger). Feel like I’m working too hard!!!

I turned to a Louise Penny book, BOOM–fell right into it, familiar supporting cast, etc.

Good bye Ranger Anna Pigeon.


I love the Anna Pigeon series! But I also believe in abandoning books whenever you want! Different people have different tastes.

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I read them in order, so I’ve read about the first 10 Anna Pigeon books. Maybe it’s that I just can’t wait to read the next book in other series–I am addicted to Louise Penny and Archer Mayor books. Louise Penny is very well known (Gamache-World is sad that Prime has not renewed Three Pines for another season, but I digress), but Archer Mayor writes about a Vermont detective. Being a New Englander I can relate with the geography, politics, people, etc., of a small rural state like VT.

Maybe I will approach Nevada Barr’s books on the basis of what national park I am interested in at the time.

Louise Penny is special, for sure. Have you tried anything by William Kent Krueger? He has a series as well as several stand alone novels and is often mentioned alongside Penny. I adore them both. I have not read Archer Mayor’s series. Something to give a try!

@Bromfield2 I read it but was not really a fan. I thought there would be more focus on the busing/segregation and racism mentioned in the brief description of the book. Instead that was just a small part of the story. There was too much violence, descriptive violence at that, and I did not really think the main character’s actions, esp toward the end, were realistic. It was definitely fast paced, but in the end, I was not the right audience for this particular book.

I read the Anna Pidgeon series for a long time, but then they seem to awry for me, and it’s been quite a few years since I’ve read one.

And I’m the weird person who read the first Louise Penny and didn’t really like it. I think it must have been me, not it, because everyone I know loves them. I should try again.


Thanks for this recommendation. I just finished it today. Wow

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I’ve been wanting to read a Louse Penney mystery. Which title is first?