One of the best books I've read in the last 6 months is . .

Just finished Fellowship Point, a lovely story of two aging women where the setting in Maine is its own character. Definitely worth reading.


I also loved Fellowship Point! Sometimes it felt too long, and sometimes a bit predictable, but the characters were wonderful, and so was the setting.


Violeta by Isabel Allende. Truly enjoyed this.

That was a really good book.

Just started A Court of Thorns and Roses (a series). I have never read much science fiction and next to no romanceā€™ type books - but this is a fun blend! Very light reading and w/my kindle Iā€™m finishing each book super quickly! (it does have over a million generally positive reviews on GoodReads! lol)

Iā€™ve read and enjoyed the series - have fun! Iā€™ve also read her Throne of Glass series.


Fellowship Point, fan, yes some imperfections, but hooked me finished in three days and Iā€™m not a fast reader. Agnes , a Katherine Hepburn character, who doesnā€™t know a Polly, and Maud, Greta Gerwig, Alice Black, nailed the ending , best last line,

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@Marilyn - a friend called it a mash up of Game of Thrones, Beauty and the Beast, and Hunger Games. Canā€™t disagree!!

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Iā€™m a fan of Louise Erdrich but had missed The Master Butchers Singing Club (2003) till now. Recommended for those who like big sprawling emotional stories and unusual characters ā€¦ not recommended for those who want every loose end tied up! I loved it.


Thanks to those who recommended Hello Beautiful. Just finished reading it, thought it was excellent. Was not concerned about the lack of subtelty (mentioned above by a few people), but admittedly Iā€™m not the most sophisticated of readers.


Has anyone read Horse? I was enjoying the story but the events of the end felt soā€¦ I donā€™t knowā€¦ shoved in there? Then she treats the entire thing so superficially that it made it even worse. Sort of ruined the whole thing for me.

That was the April CC Book Club selection.

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wow - i loved everything about the book - Horse - one of my favorite reads of the year. I missed it for the cc book club and now need to go back and read other peopleā€™s thoughts.


I liked Horse and picked it when my turn to choose for book club. Liked it a lot. Butā€¦ my friends and I did like the historically-based stories better than the current day stories that did seem a little heavy handed on social justice message (though I am certainly a proponent of those causes).


Exactly. (though i though it was more than ā€œa littleā€) But even the alluding to COVID - completely unnecessary as part of the story. My kids English teachers would deduct points :rofl:

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The part of the story being discussed hit me like a gut punch and I remember saying most likely out loud to not go help - maybe it is due to background, friendā€™s background, shared experience - but I thought it was of value to put it in there and to show how so much has and has not changed. Now I really have to go back and read the book club thread.


Oh - you could totally tell it was coming - The clothes situation was not subtle, but also it was brushed over. ā€œThis happened - this is horrible - just move onā€. There were other choices in the main store line - the specifics of the job opportunity - that were just for shock value. And another heavy handed yet superficial way to make a comment on another current issue.


I agree and I think she messed up the ending of Year of Wonders in a similar way.

The best way I can describe it is she just dropped in a bunch of buzzwords.

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