Horse - April CC Book Club Selection

Our April selection is Horse by Pulitzer Prize winning author Geraldine Brooks. The title refers to Lexington, a real-life thoroughbred stallion that was the fastest runner and greatest sire of the 19th century. But the story is not so much about the horse as about the two young Black men connected to it: Jarret, a 19th century horse trainer born into slavery, and Theo, a 21st century PhD student who finds an old painting of the great stallion.

Jarret and Theo’s stories are fictional, but the themes are timeless. Horse is "a novel of art and science, love and obsession, and our unfinished reckoning with racism” (Amazon).

Brooks, a meticulous researcher…writes about our present in such a way that the tangled roots of history, just beneath the story, are both subtle and undeniable. - The Washington Post

A testament to the intelligence and humanity of animals, a stinging rebuke of racist and abusive humans, and a study of how the past gets recorded, remembered, and remade…anyone who ever grew up loving horses, anyone who dearly loves an animal, will find a cornucopia of riches in this novel. - The Boston Globe

Discussion begins April 1st. Please join us!


Never participated but bought the book last night. The start is very promising…


Sorry, but will be away and unable to join this discussion. It sounds like a fascinating book as always.


Welcome @deb922! I’m glad you’ll be joining us. Read slowly 'cause the discussion doesn’t start until April 1st. :slight_smile:

@HImom, have a good trip and hopefully, we’ll catch you on the next round!


I’m about two thirds of the way through the book. I’m really enjoying it.

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Hoping I come off hold to join the discussion in time!

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It’s looking unlikely that I will get the book in time. Library has fewer copies so the waitlist is crawling.
Libby says 13 weeks before I get the book. Interestingly, all my holds say the same story — a lot of people reading the same books!

It’s $15 for the Kindle version. I probably bought it as a Kindle Deal of the Day. All kinds of good stuff pops up there, almost always under $5.

Of course I haven’t read it yet. Maybe I will start it tonight. I read March by the same author and really liked it.


I may have to break down and buy this one, as the wait list is moving much slower than usual. I keep checking Amazon hoping for a special!

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It goes fairly quickly. Maybe one of us should buy it and pass it around!

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The Sisterhood of the Traveling Horse :blush:

Yay, just got notice from library that hard copy hold is in. I have a week to pick it up. Whew.

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Mine copy arrived Friday but I loaned it to a friend who’s been wanting to read it. I may regret that decision.

Finished!! Look forward to the discussion.


I read it and then tried to renew it, but there were holds so I had to return it. I put another hold on it so I can review it before our discussion. Shouldn’t be a problem – there were 13 copies out and I was the third hold place.

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Thanks for bumping up this thread, I’d forgotten to put a hold on the book. I’m #75, but there are 85 copies, so I imagine it will be available soon.

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Aren’t libraries wonderful? Thank you, Andrew Carnegie.

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I belong to 5 online libraries, and I’m still 9 to 10 weeks out for the ebook. I may have to buy this one. It is sure popular!

Wow. I just got a notice that my copy of Horse in is already. I just put a hold on it yesterday.


Here is a link to a free library talk with Geraldine Brooks about Horse

I did see her talk about it last year, she is a real horse lover and was very interesting.