One Trimester Later: An Update From A Certain Knox College Freshman

<p>I don’t know. Maybe some of you are being too hard on the OP. These boards can get pretty brutal. Maybe you all know the OP really well and have a good reason to judge, but the student is a perfect stranger to me. I don’t think he/she needs bashing. School populations can be extremely different. I have a kid who had only a few friends in middle school, changed schools, and has tons of friends in her high school of a completely different population. Fitting in can be fine, but isn’t it more important for a person to be who they are, not who they are supposed to be to fit in?</p>

<p>The thing is that there is a lot more to some of these posts than what is stated. A lot of posters on CC thrive on my unhappiness. I wish I could be joking, but I am not. These posters have done the same thing since I was a freshman in high school. </p>

<p>I will of course “toot my horn” when I am getting bashed on. Knox isn’t a great college, says who? US News? Knox is a hidden gem IMO, and the Ivy’s are WAY overrated. I feel like I can get the same education at Knox, if not better, than some top LACs. I wouldn’t call Knox a “fairly wide group of people.” The school is half the size of my high school. It’s tiny. Just because one doesn’t fit in at a college doesn’t mean it’s their fault. Like I’ve said before, I know I made mistakes, but every freshman does. That’s a part of life. I learn from my mistakes, and will be sure not to make the same mistakes next term.</p>


<p>Actually, EC, I think the ONLY poster who thrives on your ‘unhappiness’ is you. </p>

<p>If you really believe that people are bashing you here, why do you keep coming back and asking for our advice. I think the majority of us care enough to take time out of our own busy lives to offer advice. You have been given a plethora of suggestions, so I’m really not sure what else you’re looking for…except attention.</p>

<p>Very funny, but I keep coming back because of posters like psych_. Attention? I don’t need attention from a bunch of fifty year olds. I posted to give an update about Knox, since (many suggested) they were wondering what happened.</p>

<p>OP: Transfer, if only to get a fresh start. Is it possible that you just aren’t quite ready for college ? Regardless, in my opinion, the damage is done at your current college. Because it’s tiny & somewhat isolated, seriously consider starting over as a wiser & more knowledgeable student. Good luck !</p>

<p>Axel: I’ve been ready for college since I was 14. How many 8th graders do you know who have researched college’s? Thanks for the input.</p>

<p>I said attention, not advice. There is a BIG difference.</p>



<p>Researching colleges and being ready for college are two entirely different things.</p>

<p>Either way, I don’t think I could have been any more ready then I was before attending.</p>

<p>OP: You didn’t like high school & hoped college would be different. Unfortunately, a small, isolated LAC can be very similiar to high school. I’ve offered my opinion. I hope that things work out for you.</p>

<p>Whoa. I haven’t followed your story but have gathered that you are bright and motivated but have a bit of a social issue. You have received practically entirely kind and cogent advice, yet you just insulted all of these parents by asking why you’d listen to a “bunch of fifty year olds”??? I’m asking the same question! Why would a kid hang out here and why would you, if you feel that way about people that are trying to help? Wow.</p>



<p>We see variants of this cliche sentiment all the time on CC. Sadly for proponents of the cliche, 99.9% of the world does not think that the Ivies are “WAY overrated” and this 99.9% generally does the hiring. As for Knox being “better” than some top LACs, I would refer the OP to the same USNWR he uses as support for his “hidden gem” thesis; on USNWR, you find Knox buried somewhere on the third page . . .</p>

<p>I agree with an earlier poster’s advice: apply to transfer and, if you get in somewhere and still feel the same about Knox, then transfer. At least give yourself the option while you attempt to work out your issues.</p>

<p>Yes,jaylynn,Alot of the “bunch of fifty year olds” have tried to offer support now and in the past. You,early_college, create unnecessary drama by making that kind of insulting statement . You felt nobody in high school liked you and now you feel nobody at Knox likes you (and nobody on CC likes you either). Do you see a pattern here? I (along with others here) really do hope you get this worked out. Good luck to you.</p>

<p>Oh ((Early College)) Bless your heart. I’m not quite sure what your trying to accomplish here. There’s been a lot of great advice that you seem to dismiss out of hand when it’s clear you are the common denominator in all of your unhappiness. I hope you can figure it out for yourself one day without blaming everyone else.</p>

<p>I never said the following: “why you’d listen to a bunch of fifty year olds” </p>

<p>I said I do not post on CC to get a bunch of ATTENTION from fifty year olds meaning I don’t post for attention! There is such a BIG difference. Familyof3boys suggested that’s why I posted. If I didn’t want advice then I wouldn’t post. If I really wanted attention, my stories would have been much stranger and false. I’ve been attacked so many times on CC, I’m sick of it!</p>

<p>I agree with everything Kelly said.</p>

<p>I’ve been reading this train wreck; it’s pretty entertaining. I have to wonder at the high school and college kids on CC with thousands of posts who engage over and over again with the “50 year olds”, ostensibly to get advice, but I think pretty much just to have another audience to b!tch to. Last year, several h.s. seniors reported to the parents forum on every step of their decision process. It’s interesting to see how many are having social issues at their chosen schools this year. Chicken or egg?</p>

<p>You need to learn to like yourself before you can like others.</p>



<p>I seem to recall that the entire France fiasco couldn’t have been much stranger, seriously. That was just one more thing that was everybody elses fault.</p>

<p>Well, when you’re given a host family where the mother never looks after the visiting student, and the kids are druggies then things aren’t going to end nicely.</p>