One Trimester Later: An Update From A Certain Knox College Freshman

<p>I remember the France story. In that case, nobody in France liked you and you blamed the family for everything. Again, do you see a pattern here?</p>



<p>Give me a break. That’s exactly why you post. And why you started that Facebook group that got you into so much trouble. And why you made that insipid video. You obviously crave attention, to an extent that is far beyond healthy.</p>

<p>If you don’t want attention from 50-year-olds, I have a very simple solution for you: don’t post your adolescent ramblings on a forum that is specifically for parents.</p>

<p>OP: This thread has taken a bad turn. You need to improve your self-esteem. This can be achieved through setting goals & reaching them in various activities such as athletics, the arts, group projects & academics. It’s not going to happen on the internet. You’re young & you’re allowed to experience mixed emotions & growing pains, but this is better done in the real world amongst your peers, not in the cyberworld.</p>

<p>I can’t believe it, but I actually agree with annasdad. :D</p>

<p>And E_C, I would not go there regarding the French episode. I really wouldn’t.</p>

<p>Take nysmile’s advice and go to the counselling center. Fill out some transfer applications and continue to try to do well at Knox. See how you feel in the spring. If you do transfer, one hopes that you will have learned something from counselling and can make a better start.</p>

<p>BTW, do yourself a favor and take down the Survivor youtube.</p>

<p>One of the bad things about the trimester system is that all my friends are still in college. I’m the only one on break. Our breaks don’t really match up.</p>

<p>You are so right GA2012Mom, I seem to remember worrying about EC’s maturity level after that trip. I worried then that he couldn’t handle adversity and that is attitude made him unable to work through situations where reality was very far from his idealized hopes for an experience. Age and life experience should help with that, though this rather difficult life lesson does not seem to be doing the trick either. </p>

<p>EC, If you are so sick and tired of being attacked on CC, then don’t respond to every single post. You have spent the last few days here, not visiting friends that were home from break. Go visit your friends at school that stayed in Georgia, play tourist, go volunteer somewhere. From reading this thread, it does appear that you are in a bind socially at school. You can either transfer or stay and work things through. In truth, even though you have been dreaming about college since 14, your reality is here now. Whatever your dreams were about how you were going to act in college, how wonderful your peers would be, etc should be gone. You are an adult now and you need to live with your choices and actions. </p>

<p>Get off CC, talk to your parents about this. They may not agree to fund a more expensive school and may feel that a state school (where you can blend in) may be a better option. </p>

<p>And, whatever you do, get that silly tape off Youtube!
(cross posted with consolation)</p>

<p>OP–I’ll repeat what I said earlier and what most others have said: get some transfer apps out in case you might want a change for next year. Then go back to Knox, ace your classes and try a club or activity where you might find more students with whom you feel comfortable. I checked the Knox website and they have loads of clubs and activities, including an Improv Club, that might be fun for you. Knox is not a great social fit for everyone, including my nephew, as I mentioned. He found enough friends to get by and focused on his studies. Because he decided to go with engineering, he was done there in 3 years, but he did stick it out. Doesn’t mean you need to stay. I’ll also repeat my suggestion that you look at Goucher College online to see if it appeals to you. It does require some time abroad, so if you’re not interested in that, don’t bother looking.</p>

<p>Thanks bethievt! </p>

<p>BTW, I’ll make sure I’ll give everyone a shout out when I make it on Survivor :P</p>

<p>Consider Grinnell College if you want an open-minded, excellent academics, Mid-Western LAC.</p>

<p>Have any of the kids at Knox seen that Survivor tape?</p>

<p>Hope things go better for you when you get back to school.</p>

<p>One of the bad things about the trimester system is that all my friends are still in college
Didnt you say that was what you liked about this calendar? Because you had six weeks off at a time?
My kids would be doing something productive if they had that much time off. If they werent getting paid, then volunteering.
Use your imagination.</p>


<p>I agree with everyone else–get the video off Youtube now.</p>

<p>I do feel for you, you’ve been dreaming of college since 8th grade and now the reality is different than the nirvana you had in your mind. </p>

<p>I would definitely reach out the counseling center at Knox for their help/advice.</p>

<p>I would also stop posting here and reach out to folks real life for their advice.</p>

<p>On the transfer issue-- if you transfer, you have to start the friendship process all over again. I’d be more inclined to lay low a little and find your niche at Knox. One of my BFs from undergrad (at another small LAC) was pretty miserable his 1st semester until he found “his people” in the 2nd semester. I know other where it was their 2nd year before they found a group of people where they felt comfortably with.</p>

<p>Before this thread finds itself padlocked, as has happened with similar threads that have taken similar turns, please consider, listen and hear , e-c, that parents are parents and really DO want to be helpful and for kids (not just their own kids) to succeed. That said, They do also get understandably frustrated when they feel like they are wasting their time, energy and breath, and getting episodically insulted as well. </p>

<p>Please try to be a little more diplomatic when handling negative feedback. And remember, negative attention is only sometimes better than no attention at all.</p>

<p>Have you told your parents yet about your feelings and thoughts? If they do not support your idea of transferring and put the big kibash on it, you need to know that now.</p>

<p>Delusional E_C, regarding Survivor - although you wouldn’t be the worst that has been on on there. I agree with the views of others here. You need to get in touch with real life rather than online. I’m not a psychologist, but you might look up narcissism and see if you recognize anything, because much of what you post seems narcissistic to me, and maybe some self recognition could help you - or at least convince you to see the school counselor. I’d love to see you happy, but I also agree with others who indicate that happiness and social comfort will come when you are at peace with yourself and have a real focus on something academic… or some other passion other than self analysis or figuring out what environment you really fit into. I also agree that colleges can really vary - and possibly you didn’t pick the best school for you. If you do find a better one, go for it… but at the same time, real maturity is about taking responsibility and doing and setting challenges for yourself, and just being too busy to feel sorry for yourself. Friendship comes from shared passions… from listening and just doing things together. So my advice would be, work or volunteer - take classes - figure out what you want to major in. I worry about majors like theater, dance, etc. where performance and acceptance are so variable. Few really make it in those fields, and success is so dependent on external approval. But most importantly, do NOT blame anyone else for your unhappiness… you have it in yourself to be happy.</p>

<p>Please tell me this: telling someone that they cannot act (when they weren’t acting) isn’t rude? That’s a clear example of what I’m talking about. </p>

<p>All of my friends love the Survivor tape as do I. Yes, Knox students have seen it. I’ve gotten all positive feedback from family/friends. I really do want to be on Survivor, it’s one of my dreams. I would go on in a heart beat even if that means missing a trimester.</p>

<p>I love the six weeks break, but the con is not having any friends home to hang out with. I haven’t told my parents, but I know for a fact that they wouldn’t care. My dad brings up Wheaton fairly often still. I haven’t told him how I felt because I know I would get a “I told you so” response. Grinnell is a great school, but it’s still very isolated like Knox.</p>

<p>Which Wheaton College ? Illinois or Massachusetts ?</p>

<p>It was the one in Massachusetts.</p>

<p>Your friends and family know you and may see something in the Survivor audition tape that we do not. That, or they are being kind and diplomatic. </p>

<p>And please accept feedback without responding with a “but”. Better to be openminded and positive.</p>

<p>I’ve seen much helpful advice posted in response to this thread and some not so helpful. I agree that e_c needs to make an effort to improve his social life at Knox: finding friends with similar interests, joining clubs, etc. I personally never really got to be friends with people in my dorm. The people I became friends with were classmates and people that worked in the same lab I did. I simply had more in common with them.</p>

<p>For those attacking his Survivor video, I think that’s really out of line. He didn’t post that video here asking for comments. And as for “acting ability”, the performance in that video was deliberately over the top cause they always tend to like at least one person like that on Survivor. The person everyone loves to hate. Don’t take that as a reflection on his actual personality.</p>

<p>My advice is stick it out at Knox since you seem to like the academic program. Ultimately, that’s what matters. Focus on what really matters and you’ll make friends.</p>

<p>Dear e_c,</p>

<p>It seems that you have a couple of choices here.</p>

<p>1)You can return to Knox for second trimester, join some clubs, meet some people, don’t insist on displaying your “big personality,” but instead truly get involved. Work backstage at the next theatrical production! And go explore the counseling provided. I think they might be able to help you with self-esteem issues.</p>

<p>2)Cut your losses and put in those transfer applications. I would think you’d be happier at a slightly larger place.</p>

<p>3)Try to do both–you never know. Knox might be your college after all. Note, I didn’t say perfect. No college is perfect. No college is the perfect fit.</p>

<p>But in the meantime. DO SOMETHING with those six weeks you have off. I can’t wait to hear about your short term job or volunteer gig. It’s the time of year when shelters are filled with people. Go help them. Stop arguing with all of us old folk.</p>

<p>All the best,
A concerned parent</p>