One-word description

<p>Other than their better academics and college entrance, can you describe your current BS with one word or two that would best characterize your school?</p>

<p>I know the HADES are top schools. But how are they different? How am I going to find the 'fit' between my child and the school? </p>

<p>So I thought it would be very nice for people here (either parents or current students) to describe their schools with only one word. The word that describes their schools best. </p>

<p>It may sound insufficient but it may be powerful and insightful. It may also benefit prospective parents and students who don't have any clue when narrowing down their schools. </p>

<p>For example</p>

<p>Thacher - Outdoor or horse</p>

<p>No need for a word like academics because we all know the schools have top-notch academics already. </p>

<p>Anyone can add?</p>

<p>I guess “rigorous” best describes my school or “sleep deprivation”.</p>