<p>did any other EA at UNC receive an email today about an online chat on 12/2 concerning taking a gap year between high school and college? jw if this went to everyone or if someone is trying to tell me something?</p>
<p>S got it too…and wondered the same thing!</p>
<p>bahaha I got the same email and was about to post the same question. I really hope this isn’t a bad sign. Anybody else have any more thoughts?</p>
<p>Same. I was instantly like crap…they don’t want me. Glad others got it too though</p>
<p>Got it too- hope it was a mass email</p>
<p>Me too but I’m wondering why they would want to offer a gap year as an option to alot of people. I would think you would have to be accepted first and then choose this.Seems like it would be a good fit for only a small number of students and would create planning/budgeting problems for UNC. Anyone have any thoughts on why they would want to encourage this? Or maybe they just want to let people know that it is an option?</p>
<p>I’ve heard they had more people say “yes” than they expected last year, leading to some overcrowding in dorms or something. Because it’s harder to estimate how many people will accept offers of admission, maybe they’re hoping a few accepted people will consider a “gap year.” Just an idea, though…</p>
<p>sounds like a good possible explanation</p>
<p>This email terrified me! But, perhaps it was nothing…</p>
<p>All, this is Stephen Farmer, the admissions director at UNC. This invitation wasn’t a secret or coded message of any kind – I promise. </p>
<p>We’re hosting this chat because we have a group of terrific current UNC students who took gap years and loved them and are now working to promote them among students who are interested in Carolina. </p>
<p>Again, there are no secret messages here. We’re just trying to make students aware of opportunities – which is what folks who work at universities are supposed to do. I’m sorry if we’ve caused you any worry or concern.</p>
<p>Whew!Thanks Mr. Farmer for clearing this up.I’ll be sure to join the chat!</p>
<p>Miyo, you’re welcome. Thanks to you – and thanks to everyone – for your interest in Carolina.</p>
<p>Just to add on to what Mr. Farmer said, this is probably due to a new donation UNC received this year. I think 1.5 million towards gap years, with accepted students having the chance to receive $7,500 of funding.</p>
<p>Like it was already said, thank you for clearing up the confusion! It’s nice to know that the university monitors these forums!</p>
<p>I was so confused when I got this. I’m currently taking a gap year, and applied to Carolina and thought for a second that they sent it to me just because of that fact… Then I realized that it must have gone to everyone.</p>