<p>I was wondering how well online college certificates and degrees look to employers.</p>
<p>My mother and I are a little concerned with how it looks to employers if you don't have the "hands on" experience that a campus college offers. And is "hands on" only needed in certain fields?</p>
<p>I'm a songle mother of a one year old - so my time is limited, and I only have a 2.3 GPA. I will graduate in May of 2009 and I haven't found a college that fits me and offers an animal care program.</p>
<p>Please, someone give me advice.</p>
<p>“animal care program”</p>
<p>I’m not sure how online college looks to employers.<br>
Also, is your mother willing to help you at all?</p>
<p>It depends. My mom goes to Colorado Tech Online and she is getting a lot of opportunities to get a 45-100K a year job once she graduates. However, it depends really. If you go to a brick and mortar college for Grad School it will look better, and I think that would be a good option if you wish to go to grad school because you can bring your GPA up and also your daughter will be a bit older so she doesn’t need as much hands on care. You can also test out Community College.</p>
<p>Community colleges almost always have very cheap day care and typically are of far more consistent quality.</p>
<p>It entirely depends on the field, but I doubt that animal care programs that don’t involve actually taking part in animal care will be very helpful.</p>
<p>A great way to find out is to look at classifieds for jobs you would want and see what the requirements are. Call one of these places up and speak to the office manager/HR department (depending on size) and find out what their advice is.</p>
<p>Thank you all for the replies. My mother is unable to financially help me and she does not know anything about online colleges. I will call tommorow and see what requirements school wise the career path needs and will take. </p>
<p>Again thank you all.</p>
<p>There is an entire forum dedicated to Online Degrees. You can reach it by clicking on “Discussion Home” in the upper left of this screen and then scrolling down.</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/online-degrees/[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/online-degrees/</a></p>
<p>Good luck!</p>