Hey! I am currently taking edx courses right now, and I was wondering if we get any college credit?
No one gives college credit for that as far as I am aware.
So, do you know of any online coursed which do give college credit? And if I continue taking the class, would it look good on college apps?
Unless you go to ASU, then edX won’t really help you (they have the Global Freshman Academy thingy for it, I think?).
If you want relevant credits for an online course, you’re gonna need to ask your counselor(s), if you’re in HS. If not in HS, then I would just attempt to go through the school(s), just look around on the website. Though I doubt they would be free.
If you’re not taking an online class through the school, from the school’s professor, then no.
You should check out Sophia at sophia.org I am taking a course there right now in between terms. They have a bunch of courses for college credit and are pretty affordable at $329 a piece. My favorite thing is there are no textbooks to buy!
Even some online courses offered credits, it may or may not be transferred to the college you enrolled. Iteveb varies with each class.
You made a thread about UCs and CSUs, so if you are in California, you can take online classes through a number of community colleges in CA. There’s still the same amount of paperwork involved as registering for your local CC and getting the transcript to your high school and college. And, you need to make sure they will allow you to take the tests proctored by someone at your high school, rather than needing to travel to their campus.
See here to search for places likely to have the classes you want, however you will need to go to the website for specific colleges to see what they are offering this semester: