Online Deadline=1/2, 11:59 pm PST??

<p>Hey guys,
It says Pomona must receive our application by Jan. 2. Does that mean I can submit it up to the last minute of that day. Or by 5 pm? Or does it have to be the day before?? Please help, I'm kinda freaking out here.</p>

<p>If you consider that snail mail applications are delivered during regular business hours, then you could assume it would be 5 p.m. But why put it off until the last minute, especially since computer glitches have been known to happen when everyone's trying to submit applications simultaneously?</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Yeah, I remember when I was applying, the Northwestern online application wasn't working a couple of hours on the last day to submit it because of the influx of applications. They extended the deadline because of problem, but why risk it?</p>

<p>Well the Pomona office isn't even open today, I called them. So I mean they're not going to receive it until tomorrow anyway. Hmmm...I better go work on my essays some more.</p>