Online Notification of RD

<p>anyone know what date last year nova put up RD decisions</p>

<p>My son found his decision posted on line around March 20th…I can just remember it was posted several days earlier than expected. The mail acceptance came a few days later…in a regular sized envelope.</p>

<p>March 23rd I believe</p>

<p>Where can u find these postings??? Novasis…I hope not cause i forgot my password</p>

<p>Yes it is novasis…
[User</a> Login](<a href=“]User”>MyNova)</p>

<p>I’ve lost my novasis account pw and username at least 2 times…</p>

<p>dont even get me started about other college’s online usernames and passwords…
they make you created complicated usernames and passwords</p>

<p>I just called 'Nova about 5 minutes ago and asked a couple questions. They said the letters are being sent out on friday, and me living in CT the lady said I should receive it on monday. She also said that the decisions will be posted on Novasis Friday or Saturday. Anddd she said that application numbers were down by 2000 this year.</p>

<p>I got deferred EA and have 4 alumni in my immediate family and 8 additional. I hoope the numbers down means they rely on alumni affiliation more!!</p>

<p>Thanks for the info jman and good luck!</p>

<p>that means more acceptances right…</p>

<p>great info too</p>

<p>Well it doesn’t necessarily mean more acceptances, but if they keep about the same number of acceptances last year it means a higher acceptance rate and a better chance to get in for all of the RD hopefuls!</p>

<p>Same no# of acceptences but 2000 fewer disappointed kids-- verrry nice</p>

<p>yea well thats what i meant…less rejections</p>

<p>thanks jman:)
ladfkjhaskjdh so nervous</p>

<p>ahh after all these months of waiting its crazy to know that we could hear back as early as tomorrow!</p>

<p>thanks for the info jman! let’s wait and see… cuz it’s todday</p>

<p>Thanks, jman. Everyone will be checking Novasis like crazy. </p>

<p>Good luck to us all.</p>

<p>If you learn your admissions decision online, would you post it here PLEASE??? You don’t have to say accepted or rejected or waitlisted, just post that the decisions are online PLEASE???</p>

<p>mine isnt posted yet</p>

<p>I just called the admission office. The decisions will be posted between 5 and 6 oclock. Good luck to all!</p>

<p>I’m assuming thats Eastern Standard Time. Wow, my stomach hurts lol. The anxiety is making me physically sick.</p>

<p>Thanks aamato! Good luck to you too!</p>