Online undergraduate program search

<p>I am looking for some inexpensive regionally accredited online<a href="My%20work%20compels%20me%20move%20around">/U</a> undergraduate programs in economics. After 20 years, I have finally convinced my employer to include me in their employee upliftment program which isn't a lot but is something nevertheless considering any kinda of financial help towards tuition.</p>

<p>My whole district/county (in India) back home has a very low literacy rate, so a degree from anywhere is like gold. But in order to convince my employer it has to be regionally accredited. Any suggestions? I will be moving to the USA in an year's time. Have a SAT score of 2050. Big universities are a no-no, too costly. My aim here is just a degree from an accredited university.My economic background is poor at best. But this opportunity for a project in the USA in the near future is my hope.</p>

<p>Two well-respected accredited public universities that have been offering distance-education and online programs for decades are:
[UMUC</a> - Homepage](<a href=“]UMUC”>
[Penn</a> State | Online Degrees, Online Courses, and Online Certificates offered by Penn State](<a href=“]Penn”></p>

<p>You may find more good suggestions here:
[Online</a> Degrees - College Confidential](<a href=“]Online”></p>

<p>Another resource is <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; Contact the closest advising center and spend some time with one of the counselors. There are several advising centers in India:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Wishing you all the best!</p>