If you have attended any online college or had any interaction/experience with one of the Online Colleges or Universities, please share your experience, good or bad.
Visit our page [Online</a> College Reviews - Experiences about Online Schools & Universities](<a href=“http://www.distance-learning-college-guide.com/online-college-reviews.html#reviews]Online”>http://www.distance-learning-college-guide.com/online-college-reviews.html#reviews) and share your contribution on one of the online colleges listed. The information will be posted on the website to serve as reference to prospective learners looking for information on validity and quality of online education delivered by online colleges.
I would suggest visiting edu.com. You filter out what programs and degrees you are interested in pursuing. They give you a complete list of schools that will fit your needs.
[online</a> degrees](<a href=“http://www.edu.com/]online”>http://www.edu.com/)
I would suggest one thing to do before considering an online school; check the accrediting authorities in your region and for your field of concentration/major, and find a school which is accredited. Onlnie schools are just like brick-n-mortar schools in that some are not very good while some are excellent. The good schools will be proud to confirm their accreditation.
Yes, I am looking for online courses for my daughter for the summer. She will be in 3 different locations (Europe, NY and Florida) and that is the best we can do. So far I am trying Empire State College (part of SUNY – New York) and Umass online. I feel more comfortable with public schools, as I feel they are less likely to be shady. Empire is accredited.
Europe, NY, Florida
I would say then look into a school from NY & Florida that offers online classes.
for example … Empire, University of West Florida, Florida International Unviersity, or Western Governors University
i took an online degree from Kaplan and I think is excellent!