<p>How good are online universities for entering the university you have always wanted to enter (even as a graduate student)? If for example I studied 3-4 years at Dev'ry or Capella University with good grades and got my bachelors from one of these universities, how good is it to transfer to grad school at say Stanford? Or UC Berkeley? Or how about after two years?</p>
<p>How hard is it to get into a top online university? What are the top online universities?</p>
<p>BTW, do they have an online Stanford University? I have seen an online version of Cornell University (eCornell).</p>
<p>^^^ditto. </p>
<p>An online degree is not worth the money or time if you plan on continuing your education.</p>
<p>If they're accredited its like a community college</p>
<p>dude, don't even think about going to an on-line university...</p>
<p>just go to a regular 4-year school...seriously...which state are you from? why don't you consider a state school..it's cheap, and could be easier for you to get in ...</p>
<p>it's silly to even think about "going" to an on-line university...and quite honestly, you won't get into Standford...or any decent graduate school coming from an on-line university...and plus don't you want a social life????</p>
<p>^ yep, plus they are expensive.</p>