<p>hi, </p>
<p>i'm Alexia and m currently a sophomore. i just want to know how can i get into columbia besides high 2200+,2300+SAT score and 4.0 GPA? it's always been my dream and that's why i came here.(i came to us..like 4mouths ago.FYI i'm from China) my current high school is not bad but not the top either,Bishop Kearney High School? it's a Catholic private high school in Rochester, ny. my advisor and i just had a discussion of the classes i'm going to take next year and it would be soooo nice if you can give me some advice :)</p>
<p>i'm now taking English I, Geometry Regents, Biology Regents, Roman Catholicism(required/damn it) , Leadership and ethics, introduction of studio art I, Global I</p>
<p>i know, nothing challenging but it's challenging enough for me as a exchange student, or kind of exchange,or not really, - - cuz i'm going to graduate here and it was very rush when i first decided to go to us for high school a half year ago. </p>
<p>I'm now in the english club and drama club(just finished a musical) and i want to join key club(like a charity club), cheerleading, debat and lecture, and i want to start a film club next year and will actually film my summer in Tebet(traveling), Ghana(volunteering) Beijing as a start myself. I don't really have any opportunities of academic competitions in my school. Do you think these activities would be an advantage for me to apply for columbia? </p>
<p>and my next year's schedule is</p>
<p>English III, Catholic Morality(required), Pre-Calculus, AP Chemistry, AP US History, Intro to TV News(like a TV station), Accounting, P.E(required) (i wanted to take music/band and art II which i'm really good at, basically 100% every time, but i don't have any room for them. or should i replace any of them into art?)</p>
<p>Also i'm going to start studying French and AP Macroeconomics in summer school in China this summer or next summer, And self/online study the AP psychology and take the test cuz my high school doesn't offer any of these. Do you think it can work? I don't care about AP credits, i just want to get accepted to be honest. </p>
<p>Oh right i am also going to apply columbia summer program for high school students next summer.And also an internship hopefully in New York City by my own. Is it easy to get in the summer program? Would it help at all? </p>
<p>So yeah.. it will be so nice of you if you have time to give me some tips for what i should do from now on XD </p>
<p>you can add me on facebook, too. it's Alexia Ge</p>
<p>Thank you so much!! :)</p>
<p>(so you think i should transform to another high school for my senior year? or redo my junior year in a top high school and take challenging classes?)</p>