<p>aww i am so sad that there are only 2 pages of postings for gtown!! who else here is applying ea? or... to sfs? also.... for sfs what issue are you writing your essay about? and how personal/analytical is it supposed to be?</p>
<p>and... ok chances?</p>
<p>gpa: 3.5/6 (i'm 90% sure it will go up at least a little this year; also, i go to a very very competitive private school where no one has a 4.0 and LOTS of kids get into ivies/top-tier w/ 3.6s and 3.7s: i.e. we have a nat'l reputation)</p>
<p>sats: old: v:730 m:700 new (retook them on saturday): cr:690 m:730 w:670</p>
<p>sat IIs: chem: 700 math IIC: 750 us hist: 720</p>
<p>ec's: </p>
<p>internship w/ john kerry campaign last year
internship w/ a local senator's reelection campaign
trip to china this summer to do comm. service that is continuing this year
peer tutor: chinese, english, and chem</p>
<p>i have a bunch of other small things but they don't really relate to my interests or are very significant. also when i put the above things on a list i can expand them (i.e. i started a club for dems at my school but it was related to my internship) and i am having my boss from the internship write me an outside rec. that im sure will be really good. i also have 600+ community service hours that go on my transcript. </p>
<p>i am very very interested in international relations and i think that is pretty clear from my ec's etc. ook thanks any answers to the questions above or just your comments on that stuff.</p>