Only One IB Diploma?

<p>I thought I read somewhere that you can get a diploma in only one category (such as an IB math diploma) without taking the other IB classes unrelated to your category.</p>

<p>I was unable to find the place I saw this or find any other information on this, so I think that I may have misunderstood it or mixed it up with some other program....</p>

<p>Does anybody know anything about this?</p>

<p>That’s what is called an IB certificate. </p>

<p>Oh, ok. So I could get a certificate in only one discipline without having to take other IB courses?</p>

<p>Yup! </p>

<p>Would I still need to do the extended essay? That’s one of the main reasons I don’t want to do the full IB program.</p>

<p>Nope, as IB certificates are subject specific. I don’t have a lot of experience with certificate classes, as I am doing the full diploma, but I know that the EE is definitely only for IB diploma candidates.
For what it’s worth, the extended essay isn’t very difficult to complete. Completing it well is a different story haha, but I was able to crank mine out in 2-3 weeks, including research (to be fair, I wrote an English essay which was more about reflection than research). If your school offers the “full IB program”, then maybe consider it, as it’s typically considered the most rigorous course load at schools that offer it. </p>

<p>I’m still figuring out what I’m doing in HS, so I haven’t totally written off IB…however, I think I might try to cram a ton of math in, as opposed to IB courses. I have an interest in math, although whether or not I have enough ability is yet to be seen…</p>

<p>I’d also like to throw in that you can do more than one IB certificate. While you say you’re interested in Math, based on the fact that you still haven’t written off the full Diploma, you might have some other classes that you’re interested in, and you can get certificates for those too.</p>

<p>Also, don’t forget CAS and TOK. You do have to complete them if you do the full diploma, but not for certificate(s).</p>

<p>If I got a certificate in one discipline, would I need to be taking HL courses? I might not be able to take HL math because I took Algebra I in 8th grade (instead of 7).</p>

<p>You can receive a certificate for whatever you take, be it SL or HL. Obviously HL is better if you can handle it, but if you can’t, then just really nail SL. I just finished the Diploma with SL Math, and I have to say, it was a pretty easy 6 WITH all of my other classes, I’d think long and hard before I gave up the chance at HL. Maybe talk to the teacher at your school and get their opinion, as most teachers are eager to work with an ambitious, hard working student.</p>

<p>Thanks, I’d like to do HL but I think I have to take Calculus as a junior to do that, and I’m not set to take it until senior year right now.</p>

<p>That’s interesting, I’ve never seen calculus as a pre-requisite for any IB Math class. Pre-Cal, sure, but not Calc. Well, as long as you’re comfortable, then that’s for the best. Good luck!</p>

<p>Well, I don’t think it’s technically calculus, but the IB SL course is supposed to be comparable to Calc AB, which means I need precalculus…I’m taking precalculus as a junior, and I was planning on Calc BC as a senior.</p>

<p>Haha, we got tossed into a BC Calc class to learn the Calculus portion! XD</p>

<p>All in all, you know what’s best for you, so good luck!</p>

<p>Thank you! :D</p>