Only Two Years of Science?!

<p>So...I'm only going to have two years of science in high school. Is this really bad? I've already taken Biology, and will be taking Chemistry or Chem Honors next year (senior year). Is this going to reflect extremely badly on me for competitive schools? Should I opt for Chem Honors to make it look like I'm not purposely slacking off on science.</p>

<p>Many of my top schools (Wesleyan, Dartmouth) "reccomend" three years of science, and I would have had three years, but I was unable to take science this year because it wasn't offered at my school.</p>

<p>I DON'T have any interest in majoring in science. My grade in Biology was a B+ (I had a horrible teacher).</p>

<p>I think they’d understand 3 years of lab science instead of 4, but 2’s a bit slim. Look into AP Environmental Science, which counts as a science but is good for people who aren’t completely into the hard sciences. Or, Forensics, if your school offers it, tends to be an easier course that will fulfill the three years. And make sure you’re taking demanding classes in the areas that you excel at for those schools!</p>

<p>It’s not that I don’t want to take science. It’s that I will be unable to take three years, end of story (unless I were to do an online course or something…)</p>

<p>Really bad? Kind of bad? OK because I was unable to take science my junior year (studying abroad, and science wasn’t offered at my school/program)?</p>

<p>By this point, you can’t go back in time and change the courses you took. So see if your school will let you fit two sciences into your schedule next year - maybe Chem and Physics, or if you hate math (like me!) Chem and Forensics, or Chem and Environmental. Then, even if you haven’t spread out your science over the four years of high school, you’ll at least have 3 “full-year” science courses.</p>

<p>I hate to say it, but I think with high-tier schools like those they might frown upon only two years of science. Of course, there are always exceptions. But it’s not too late in the game if you’re only a junior… think if there’s any way you could do an independent study next year in supplement, or take an additional science.</p>



<p>Perhaps true; but, I assume science was offered both of your Frosh and Soph years (and you took one year), and will be offered your senior year. Thus, you could have had three years worth…</p>

<p>Liberal arts colleges have those recommendations for a reason; they have distributives which require you to take science-type classes (two at Dartmouth, for example).</p>

<p>If there are reasons out of your control for why you couldn’t take science classes (weren’t offered, scheduling problems, etc.), your GC should be able to address these concerns. However, it is pretty unusual to only be able to take 2 years of science in most HSs. And since Wesleyan and Dartmouth are very selective schools, you will be in an admission pool where other applicants will have many more than even the recommended 3 years of science.</p>

<p>same boat… no worries, as long your not taking any science related majors</p>



<p>Wrong. Strong candidates at schools like W and D will have rigorous schedules in all fields, not just the one of their expected major. With few exceptions, projected major doesn’t mean much in admissions. After all, schools have no proof that you’ll actually major in what you’ve marked as an applicant. And they know that many students change majors once they’re in college anyway, that’s what the first two years are for.</p>

<p>Wrong is right! Physics especially is pretty much mandatory at schools like Dartmouth and Wes. Try a night or summer community college class. You will simply not be a competitive candidate with 2 years of science and they want the serious lab sciences.</p>

<p>Kids keep writing threads explaining why they didn’t take science, foreign language, math or whatever will not matter because they don’t plan to major in it. It does matter! Schools like Dartmouth and Wes don’t even consider your intended major. I can’t speak for Wes but Dartmouth has mandatory distribution requirements which assume background in all these areas.</p>

<p>^^I disagree, I think ECs in a particular field matter more than what you put on paper. Like for me I have done science research every year since seventh grade and have won awards so I made it a big part of my app. In my class schedule I have taken the equivalent of six years of science (Bio I, Chem I, Phy I, Bio II, Chem II, Phy II) so I think it would matter in my case, I skipped the first introductory science so I don’t have seven years.
Likewise if the OP were involved in say english and he had ECs that were reflective of that I think the college can then assure that he is going into a english major.</p>

<p>We’re talking here about taking only two years of science, none of which are APs. That’s the bare minimum for graduating at our HS, no less applying to some of the most selective colleges in the country. Sure ECs and course work can indicate what you want to do, but that still doesn’t mean that the rest of your class schedule doesn’t matter for admissions. </p>

<p>My D had 6 years of science including AP Bio, AP Chem & AP Physics, math through 2 college qts of vector calc and she had just the basic 4 years of English. She’s now majoring in English. Go figure.</p>

<p>I’m giving up on answering in any thread where applicants are telling other applicants what they don’t need! There are at least 2 people on this thread who are Dartmouth parents and I think it may be 3. </p>

<p>I, in fact, did major research into this very subject when DS and my nephew considered SYA which does not offer science. In fact, I consulted a former Dartmouth adcom. DS decide against the program as a math/science kid who wanted 6 years of science and math for his Dartmouth application. Nephew took a college science class the summer before SYA and went. </p>

<p>Nephew, in the end, did fine in college admissions, but did not gt into an ivy.</p>

<p>But hey, what do we know next to college applicants who are sure their ECs will compensate for any shortfall. Ah April, when reality is again in vogue! </p>

<p>And entomom, same here with DS at Dartmouth, heading towards a humanities major with all of his 6 years of HS math and science! In talking to the many freshmen friends he brought home for break, I was truly surprised at how many of the pre meds and engineering majors were in first year seminars this past Fall, minimum 770CR required.</p>

<p>DBate: Do you have FOUR years of English? (Yeah, I thought so.) :)</p>

<p>You have to have four years of english to graduate. So I am not sure what you mean…</p>

<p>In all honesty you should have both I mean I am majoring in engineering but I got a 790 CR, 36 Reading on ACT, and 710 SAT 2 Literature, and a 5 on the AP english language, but I think if you have extraordinary accomplishments in another field it will not be as bad. Disadvantage yes, but if depends how extraordinary your other accomplishements are.
But the vast majority of Ivy admits probably take a wide array of classes because they are so intelligent that they can do well in any thing. </p>

<p>Oh and hmom5, I assume your comments were aimed at me, but I was actually disagring with entomom when she said that prospective major does not matter.</p>

<p>Etomom was correct, for schools like Dartmouth and Wes, major does not matter.</p>

<p>Debate, you, college applicant. Entomom, super moderator of the leading college related web site. Do you think she may have learned a thing or two about the process? The misinformation spread here by those who mean well but really don’t know…</p>

<p>^^Wow. You, really rude person who obviously has some type of insecurities if they feel the need to insult college applicants on a message forum. </p>

<p>If you disagree with something then you can say and show the flaws in another’s arguements, not insult them. Really that is just immature, dare I say, grow up?</p>

<p>While I don’t know the exact stats, something like 40% of students change their majors at least once. </p>

<p>When colleges are asking about majors it’s more of looking for that Gaelic Studies major or basically humanities leaning or science leaning. And I agree with HMom, although not with Dartmouth’s admissions somehow representing the gold standard, but with the two years of science unacceptable. MANY kids travel abroad at our school and even if for only a semester, they forfeit the ability to take a full year of science. Usually this transpires sophomore year and almost all take Chem and Physics their junior year. It’s a killer junior year, but it makes up for the lack of science sophomore year. </p>

<p>Your chosen potential major has absolutely no bearing on the requirements for admissions UNLESS the school says it’s recommended. But to be honest, if you don’t stretch to take the most rigorous course-load available to you, that alone would sink your application regardless of the classes.</p>

<p>Dbate, I certainly did not mean to be disrespectful. It gets very trying to read thread after thread where kids are spreading myths. They take on a life of their own, kids believe them and they result in colleges getting to reject 9 out of 10 candidates because so many truly don’t understand what it takes.</p>

<p>My point was to say consider the source. Entomom has clearly spent a lot of time learning about college admission. To lightly disagree with her on a very basic topic should have required thought and research on your part.</p>

<p>I apologize as well, I am usually never rude to adults and I felt kind of bad. I understand that entomom is more informed than I am, but at that time I did not read who wrote the post and so naturally assumed it was another college applicant spreading there opinion (like me :)).</p>

<p>In all honesty, I thought that it mattered more in my case bc I crafted my entire application to be focused on science and engineering bc of my ECs in that area and I was trying to defend what I had done on personal level.</p>

<p>So I do apologize for being rude and acknowledge the fact that you know more about this process than I do (I mean your child already got into Dartmouth, I am just crossing my fingers).</p>

<p>As you explained, you have great scores across the board. Given that, the adcom are likely to closely read the part about your EC’s. Had you taken only two years of science, or English, or a foreign language and not achieved those scores, they probably would never get to that part! It’s been almost 30 years since I worked in a college admissions office, but some things never change.</p>

<p>And FYI, I’ve also been the mom of a kid who did not get into Dartmouth!</p>