Texas Resident
Class Rank 17 out of 370 (Top 5%)
GPA 4.433 out of 5
SAT I 2050 (CR 670, M 660, W 720)
ACT 29
Most Vigorous Course Load (8 total AP classes)
Scored 4 on the two AP tests taken(English Comp & US History)
Senior Class Schedule:
AP Statistics
AP Government
AP Economics
AP English Lit
AP Psychology
AP Biology
Comm App.</p>
-Vice President of Class (Junior and Senior Yr.)
-President of Academic Decatholon
-Treasurer of the Multicultural Club
-Varsity Golf 3yrs
-Texas American Legion Boys State delegate
-National Honor Society
-Student Council Member 3yrs
-UIL Current Events & Lit Crit
-Creative Writing
-Political Science
-Rhetorical Analysis</p>
<p>(HOOK) I have an unusual interest for a major, it is centered around golf course architecture. While this is not obvious in the clubs and organizations I have chosen and participated in, it is very difficult to find anything that supports this odd interest, other than the fact that I have played golf. One thing that will truly stand out in my application is one of my letter of reccomendations. It is from Tom Doak, with out a doubt one of the top 5 golf course architects living in the world today. He has designed 5 golf courses in the top 50 in the world and I have been able to have a relationship with him, which in turn gives me the benefit of a letter of rec from him.</p>
<p>Community Service:
Habitat For Humanity (20hrs)
Local Hospital (50hrs)
Founder of S.A.D.I.E. at local Retirement Home (15hrs)
Essays should be superb as well as recs</p>
<p>NY Mom here- my kid is in ILR Program at Cornell.
As d is a senior and will be graduating in a few months, we're taking advantage of all Cornell has to offer while she is still a student- and that included hubby playing on the Robert Trent Jones course that is on campus. I just recently learned that Robert Jones was a Cornell grad.</p>
<p>Now Cornell is one of the most confusing schools to apply to- so is it correct for me to assume that you are applying to College of Ag. and Life Sciences (CALS) and "major" in horticulture, as that is the division that has a Golf and Sports Turf Management Program??<br>
As you are OOS and you will be applying to one of the State contract schools, I think you will have a great chance of admission as Cornell seems to like to take a good amount of OOS and there will be less competition for you as your application may be viewed differently than the many NY kids applying to CALS. (NYS residents get reduced tuition)
The beauty of Cornell is that if you can truly show an interest in a particular field of study, they give you a bit more wiggle room in your SAT/ACT scores. Your 1330 SAT's is a bit on the low side ( but certainly a great score) , but as you are from Texas and you are showing a true interest in a particular field of study, I think you will be successful. </p>
<p>BTW- hubby really enjoyed playing on the Cornell golf course.
If you have any more questions about Cornell- just ask--</p>
<p>I know the Cornell admission process is a bit daunting- Actually I believe they are allowing you to apply to 2 schools this year. In the past, you could only apply to one. Good luck!! </p>
<p>Just re-read your post- see you are interested in Golf Course architecture so that may be a different "major". Let me know if you figured out the division you should be applying to- I"ll assume that major is still within CALS, but might it be in architecture or Human Ec ???</p>
<p>As I said, Cornell is confusing, but I am somewhat familiar with their website, so we'll be able to get you to the right division or major that you need to apply to- Regardless, I think you have a good shot at Cornell. </p>
<p>Just checked Cornell website- program may also be in Landscape architecture which is also in CALS- but you may need to do portfolio for that major.</p>