OOS at Geneseo?

<p>Does anyone who currently attends Geneseo know if there are any OOS students who attend and, if so, from which states and what percentage of the school they are?

<p>do you mean out of state students?
My son is deciding between Geneseo and Ithaca. We are from MA.</p>

<p>There are currently very few out-of-state students at Geneseo. Excluding internationals, there are less than 100 OOS students enrolled at Geneseo (at least as of 2006). I have not seen a breakdown by state, but I'd imagine most were from states adjoining NYS.</p>

<p>I think after Kiplinger's report...this could be changing. Whe My son and I were at accepted studen't day, there was another Out of state person in our tour group, a girl from Maryland. there were a lot of tour groups, so I'll bet there were other out of state people there. Certainly no many....but I think the out of state population may be increasing.</p>

<p>the biggest drawback for my son is not being an outsider because he is not a New Yorker, it's the name recognition factor of the school out side of NY. Whenever he says he is considering Geneseo, he hears "Where is that? I've never heard of it."</p>

<p>Mom El -- I wouldn't worry too much about the name recognition factor. You might be surprised to hear that many New Yorkers have never heard of Amherst. Never mind, the people who will matter have heard of Geneseo.</p>

<p>Thankyou for your responses. By OOS I did mean out of state. My son is considering Geneseo strongly but wanted to go out of state himself so the fact that Geneseo is a state school is right now its only drawback. Where we live (LI) it's well-known as being highly selective, but I agree that won't be something people from other states will be aware of. However, like Hudsonvalley51, I've been amazed at how little name recognition some schools we consider quite well-known to have- schools like Wesleyan, Tufts, and Oberlin, for example-- bring blank stares from some people. Clearly they don't have kids who are beginning the college process and are not on CC!
Good luck with your son's decision, Mom E!</p>

<p>Is it more difficult to be accepted from out of state?</p>

<p>I'm from MA too and wondered if it's harder for OOS students to make friends. Is SUNY Geneseo a school where people go with a group of high school friends? (I heard SUNY Bing was but don't know if that is true.)</p>

<p>Geneseo is really selective, so it isn't the type of school that any high school would send a large percentage to. Like a lot of kids in any MA high school might go to UMass? So the chance of a whole high school clique going are small. Also, NY is a huge state and to downstaters, Buffalo might as well be Omaha! Don't worry about being an outsider!</p>

<p>My son (OOS) just rec'd his acceptance decision from Geneseo yesterday. We have been wondering the same thing. I read elsewhere that OOS comprise ~1% of the Geneseo student body. I don't know how current or accurate that is, but it does support Hudsonvalley51's statement. Does anyone know if this is considered a suitcase school? A few posters have claimed it is not. I'm worried my son will a) feel out of place and b) have nothing to do on the weekends if NYer's do head home on the weekends.</p>

<p>From my exp, it is not a suitcase school.</p>

<p>I know a lot of people who go to Geneseo from my neighborhood including my cousin. My cousin has probably come home three times total on the weekends in his 1.5 years of attendance. And it was because of some girl that lived here :)</p>

<p>My neighbor NEVER comes home unless its mandatory. She actually said that she wish she could go back right after Christmas. She likes it that much...kind of sad, but true.</p>

<p>I'm 1.5 hours from Geneseo.</p>

<p>Geneseo is definitely not a suitcase school. I was from Long Island when I attended Geneseo and it was rare to see kids that were from an area that was local like Rochester go home for the weekend. For those of you concerned about the name recognition the people who need to know about Geneseo know. I have cousins in Norwich, CT and Geneseo is finally being recognized there. How many people really know about William and Mary which is the honors college in Virginia. Geneseo has been a rising star in the SUNY system for some time now and you really just can't compare the experience you get there for the price tag to anywhere else. Most of us chose Geneseo over expensive privates and we all got into the grad schools we wanted to. But besides the academics which were the best ask any alumni...we actually loved the place!</p>

<p>Thank you Sean256 and Geneseograd for your replies. I think my son is going to take Geneseo up on the offer to visit overnight and shadow a student. I wonder how much they can can tell from these visits as they are planned with specific students who presumably work for admissions. We'll see. I like everything I've read about the school. Thank you again for your input.</p>

<p>No prob...thats a great idea to visit and shadow a student.</p>