What's your overall impression?

<p>I'm from Illinois and have 7 schools I'm applying too, but I'm kind of interested in Geneseo. What peaked my interest is that I have an aunt who went to there.
I'm wondering are there any people who come from outside the north east region?
All the schools I'm currently applying to are in Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin.</p>

<p>I'm also wondering what's the atmosphere like at Geneseo? How would you describe a typical student?</p>

<p>Thanks :D</p>

<p>I believe the OOS population is about 1 percent (check the website); however, NY is a huge state and a very diverse state, so it isn’t like someone from Brooklyn would be more likely to befriend someone from Buffalo than from Cleveland.</p>

<p>That’s what I was thinking :D. I remember my mom telling me the slight culture shock from Long Island to upstate at Potsdam. I’m hoping when we visit my family this Christmas, we can head up to Geneseo! </p>

<p>I looked passively for the information about the OOS population, maybe I’ll take one more look ;)</p>

<p>NY is indeed a large state with urban, rural and many suburban areas. There are also international students here. There is one from Nepal, one from N. Korea, several from Spanish speaking countries, at least two Dutch, etc. etc. </p>

<p>The typical student is a serious student. Very bright and maybe a little nerdy. It is not a big party school.</p>

<p>my overall impression of geneseo was hick school with alot of snow…while it is that, it’s so much more! it’s a party school with smart kids who are cheap (tuition was a big factor for most students) & love having a good time :)</p>

<p>There’s definitely a ‘typical student’ here. Almost everyone is from a suburb around a city. Almost everyone is from an upper middle class family.
That being said, you’ll find every kind of person hear. Some people study a lot, some don’t. Some people party a lot, some don’t. There’s very few electives cause the school is poor as hell. Not sure what else to say. There’s definitely somewhat of a community feeling, but I don’t think the college does a good enough job promoting that feeling. A lot of bonding occurs talking about how much RJ sucks.</p>

<p>Geneseo is probably the best school you can find in the bargain bin. Take from that what you will.</p>

<p>College is what you make of it. As bioblade mentioned, the typical Geneseo student is from a suburban, upper middle class family. Most of the kids here are pretty bright, but a lot of them are lazy which doesn’t surprise me much because Geneseo mainly accepts kids with 1300+ on their SATS (most other things don’t matter). I know a kid (friend of mine,actually) from my high school who goes here. He’s smart, but incredibly lazy. I think his HS average was 82.5 but he got a 1370 on his SATS.</p>

<p>Some classes are easy, and some are pretty challenging specifically science courses. I’ve only come across a few professors who actually care about their students learning. Hopefully this will change as I take higher level classes.</p>

<p>I party a healthy amount, but I always see the same kids out. This was cool for my freshman year, but now I get annoyed by seeing the same kids every weekend (with the exception of my good friends).</p>

<p>There is a sense of community here, and most of the kids are really nice. There is not much crime and there is hardly any “serious” crime.</p>

<p>The school is poor, but remember that its also a small liberal arts college so there won’t be a huge amount of electives to choose from.</p>

<p>Hey, I’m currently a freshman at Geneseo, and I have to say, it’s pretty terrible here. I’m from New York City so I’m used to a more active life with diverse people and buildings and Geneseo is a cow town. The academics are okay and some of the professors are engaging, but overall, this school won’t really get you that far. There aren’t many famous alumnus, and the alumnus network is very weak. My school also cut three majors this year due to major budget cuts (computer science, art, and speech path.). The people are nice here, but some can be *******s (probably like in every other school) and the weather is pretty chilly with a lot of snow. If you like the quiet, small, cow town kind of campus, then come to Geneseo. I’m trying my best to transfer out of this place, because i truly hate it.</p>