OOS Chance me for USC, UCLA, UCSD, and Scripps

GPA: 4.05/4.5 (weighted) --I don’t know my unweighted
SAT: 2160 one time (2230 superscore)
SAT II Subject tests: (Biology, 720)
AP scores: 3 for Gov, 4 for Chem and Bio [currently taking Calc AB, Physics 1, 2-D Studio Art, Literature and Composition]

Varsity cheerleading grade 9

JV Cross Country grade 10

President of Medical Club

Secretary of Asian Cultural Club

Played violin for 12 years

Quartet “Perfect Fourth” for 3 years

4 years in award-winning town wide select chamber orchestra (co section leader for 2 years)

Northern Regionals (freshman and sophomore year)

Play violin at nursing homes

National Art Honors Society

Art Club

Chemistry Club

Public health trip in rural China over summer (shadowed village doctor and spread disease awareness to the villagers) (150 hours community service)

Job at local elementary school daycare after school 3 days a week

Cum Laude on National Latin Exam
Corona Olivae on Medusa Exam
Commended for National Merit Scholarship
President’s Volunteer Service Award Bronze
National Honors Society
National Latin Honors Society

I am an Asian girl from Connecticut.

applying for financial aid?


Are you able to afford the costs of the California UC’s? Scripps and USC will be the only school that will give you some financial aid.

UC GPA? http://rogerhub.com/gpa-calculator-uc/
As an OOS applicant, you can only get extra honors points for your AP courses 10-11th grade in the calculation. UC’s also do not superscore, but they take the highest SAT score from 1 sitting.

What is the difference on your GPA? What is 4.05 vs 4.5?

You look like a competitive applicant for all the schools. UCLA will probably be the toughest admit.

show the years that you have participated in those activities

UC is 3.85…
4.05 is out of 4.5
I will be able for the costs.

^ Then your GPA is low for most of those school:

USC, UCLA - reach
UCSD - low reach

If your UC GPA is around 3.85, then I agree with @uclaparent9 assessment the UC’s are a Reach along with Scripps and USC. Your SAT is competitive however, and excellent essays and EC’s may help your chances more at the privates.

Thank you so much for your help. Also, does being OOS hurt or help my chances? Or does it not really affect it at all?

@bandaidbean definitely hurt. OOS students tend to have higher stats than in stats


i think you still have a chance for ucsd depending on the major/school

How about private schools on the East Coast like NYU or Boston College?

i think pretty good chance for BC, nyu maybe

USC, UCLA - reach
UCSD - high match

Being OOS only hurts your chances at the UC’s. With USC and Scripps, OOS might have more of a positive impact than negative.

@crossovercuber do you have any data for the UCs that confirms this? I have looked and never found anything.

Why? The UC Office of the President publishes acceptance data by IS/OOS/Int., and that shows that OOS acceptance rates are HIGHER than in-state for every campus except Merced.

See Table 2 on this page: http://www.ucop.edu/institutional-research-academic-planning/data-reports/key-reports/student-workforce-pages/2015-admissions.html

@mobius http://admissions.berkeley.edu/studentprofile they % is higher because there simply is too many CA residents applying compared to OOS

I agree that the UC’s will be too tough.
If you look at the freshman admitted profiles for each campus, you will note the acceptance rates of instate students.

The OP has lower chances at admission based on her scores.