OOS chances

<p>GPA: 3.45 UW (DOn't know weighted)
SAT:1090, I am going to take it again.
Full IB
Senior Course Load:
IB Math Studies
Ib Physics
IB English II
Ib Spanish II
IB Film
IB Tok
IB Topics (History)
SOme other random Ib elective
These is the hardest course load at my school, which is in Fairfax Virginia, one of the top school districts in the country, but I am OOS.
EC's: NHS, SNHS, QUiz Bowl Team, Young Dems(Prez), FBLA, (Vice Prez)</p>

<p>I am OOS, and my SAT sucks, and I don't think they have early action/decision (correct me if I'm wrong), but what are my chances? Also, I skiped a year of Spanish and tok summer courses the summer of my Frosh and Soph year to get ahead.</p>

<p>You might want to consider taking an SAT prep course like the Princeton Review. Your SAT score is very low especially for OOS. The average SAT score at FSU is 1169 per <a href="http://www.princetonreview.com%5B/url%5D"&gt;www.princetonreview.com&lt;/a> web site. FSU will weight IB/AP core academic courses a full point and honors/dual enrollment a half point when they calculate your weighted GPA.</p>

<p>Another possibility would be to try the ACT. Some students are able to achieve higher scores on this style of test. Good luck to you.</p>

<p>If I get that up, will I be ok?</p>

<p>In short, if you bring up the SAT/ACT plus have the other items FSU wants, you should be OK. Take the SAT/ACT over and over if necessary - FSU will take the best combination of scores. Most schools do this. Focus on one section, then the other. It can be done.</p>

<p>If you really want to attend Florida State, invest in the SAT/ACT prep course and keep at it. Remember not to let your grades slip in the senior year...as every offer of admission can be withdrawn by the university. Yes, they actually do this. Don't be overconfident into thinking it can't happen to me.</p>

<p>Don't give up if this is where you want to go. Also, apply in August of your senior year - do not wait until late in the year - apply early in August - as soon as they open the semester. Consider applying for the summer, when it's a bit easier to gain admittance. If summer session does it, then apply early...as stated.</p>

<p>If you get accepted, immediately (I mean that very minute) go and apply for housing (online) - your priority number is extremely important in gaining the dorm you want.</p>

<p>Remember that the range of SAT scores change - right now it's 1110 - 1290. This is for in-state kids, you'll be held to higher standards coming from out of state.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>They open admissions in August? All of the people I know who go there did the application after the first half of the school year. COuld you tell me more about applying in August, like when you hear back and stuff.</p>


Notification of Admission Decision</p>

<p>To ensure an effective attainment of our freshman enrollment targets, FSU will be notifying Summer 2007 and Fall 2007 Freshman applicants of their admission decisions on four (4) specific dates throughout the admission cycle.</p>

<p>Complete* applications received by the following dates will be notified of their admissions decision on the corresponding date in the chart below.
Complete* Application Received By: Decision Available On:
September 27, 2006 November 1, 2006
October 25, 2006 December 13, 2006
January 3, 2007 February 14, 2007
February 14, 2007 March 28, 2007</p>

<li><p>A complete application consists of the following materials:</p>

<li>Application fee ($30),</li>
<li>Official transcripts,</li>
<li>Official SAT/ACT exam scores, and</li>


We will begin accepting freshman applications for Summer and Fall 2007 on August 1, 2006.


<p><a href="http://www.fsu.edu/prospective/admissions/requirements/timeline.shtml%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.fsu.edu/prospective/admissions/requirements/timeline.shtml&lt;/a>
<a href="https://admissions.fsu.edu/undergradapp/%5B/url%5D"&gt;https://admissions.fsu.edu/undergradapp/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Parent2noles will expand on that.</p>

<p>Forget what the crowd does. If you wait, it's much harder to be admitted. Use every opportunity to your advantage. You will be competing with thousands, therefore maximize your chances.</p>

<p>Is the 1169 SAT score out of 1600 or out of 2400? Is FSU not including the writing scores yet?</p>

<li> Just the combination of the highest reading/math scores this year. They do require that you take the writing test but I don't think they used the score this year.</li>