OOS Students outnumber in-state students at University of Alabama

<p><a href=“http://www.al.com/news/birmingham/index.ssf/2014/09/fewer_alabama_residents_attend.html”>http://www.al.com/news/birmingham/index.ssf/2014/09/fewer_alabama_residents_attend.html</a></p>

<p>I think mostly only Auburn folks are upset with this. What’s not to like about it? This can only help the state of Alabama. </p>

<p>Why would you think Auburn folks would be upset about this? I think they couldn’t care less. Please explain your logic?</p>

<p>Well, Auburn people used to brag about their high out of state numbers, but now that the situation is reversed, I see negative comments at the bottom of the article from a number of them. A frequent claim is that UA “lets anyone in.” Its jealousy. </p>

<p>Certainly don’t mean to imply that all Auburn fans are upset about it, but the ones I have known, hate UA with a passion. Not just the team, but the school too. There are UA folks who hate Auburn too, but there isn’t the same level of resentment among UA folks. </p>

<p>Sorry, I don’t mean to derail the thread, but does anyone know where I can find these two book bags? They were part of the picture gallery for the article that was linked. I tried searching Google and a few store links, but nothing turned up. Thanks in advance!</p>

<p><a href=“http://imgick.al.com/home/bama-media/pgmain/img/alphotos/photo/2014/08/20/-9a8536b53c7db0aa.JPG”>http://imgick.al.com/home/bama-media/pgmain/img/alphotos/photo/2014/08/20/-9a8536b53c7db0aa.JPG&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>and </p>

<p><a href=“http://imgick.al.com/home/bama-media/pgmain/img/alphotos/photo/2014/08/20/-e3978923ea1f3565.JPG”>http://imgick.al.com/home/bama-media/pgmain/img/alphotos/photo/2014/08/20/-e3978923ea1f3565.JPG&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The first one:</p>

<p><a href=“Access Denied”>Access Denied;

<p>The second (out of stock):</p>

<p><a href=“Access Denied”>Access Denied;

<p>I’ll politely disagree with you - I have a current student at AU and he and his AU peers have stated more than once that UA is irrelevant to most AU students except for athletic competitions and most don’t care about anything but the Iron Bowl.</p>

<p>I realize this is just one small sampling but my review of everything I’ve seen on this forum and others lead me to disagree with you. I won’t go any further because this is a UA thread. However if you would reread all the threads on this and other major forums you might see things in a reverse light.</p>

<p>I would also not entirely agree. Most fans of both sides will agree that they are both quality universities. Sadly, the message boards of al . com are filled with those from both sides on the opposite end of the spectrum.</p>

<p>Weird, I didn’t see it when I checked the Fanatics site…many thanks, Gator.</p>

<p>lol about “UA lets anyone in”. It is NOT Alabama’s acceptance rate that suggests that they let nearly any applicant in. I am not saying that AU isn’t a fine school, but no AU person should be saying THAT about Bama with a straight face.</p>

<p>I do not dislike AU folks. I LIVE HERE, so AU people are part of my social circle. They are my neighbors. My vets are AU grads. The interior decorator that I consulted with was an AU grad. Before my H retired, many of his co-workers were AU grads. Some of my kids’ best friends are AU grads. No biggie. </p>

<p>""Alabama resident are now a minority at the University of Alabama, 2014 enrollment data shows.</p>

<p>This fall, there are 18,325 out-of-state, military and international students on campus, and 17,830 Alabama residents.</p>

<p>In the 2014 freshman class, the largest in UA’s history, there are 2,474 Alabama residents and 4,382 out-of-state students (including military and international.) The class’s average ACT score is 26.1, the highest in UA history.</p>

<p>Out-of-state students tipped the numbers in their favor this year after a six year trend of decreasing resident enrollment. In-state enrollment peaked in 2008 at 3,207 students and gradually began dropping while out-of-state enrollment continued to grow.</p>

<p>The 2011 freshman class saw the first majority out-of-state class, with 2,924 out-of-state students and 2,848 in-state students.

“As the state’s flagship institution, providing an excellent education to students from Alabama is a top priority,” UA President Judy Bonner said in an emailed statement. “We welcome out-of-state and international students, but those students do not take spaces away from qualified Alabamians.”</p>

<p>The overall enrollment increase is a result of an aggressive enrollment campaign spearheaded in 2003 by then-president Robert Witt, now chancellor of the entire system. Witt set a goal for 28,000 students by 2013, a goal he met and surpassed. </p>

<p>More out-of-state students means more tuition revenue for the school, which has raised tuition significantly for at least a decade. The total two-semester cost for resident students is $9,826 and $24,950 for non-resident students.

<p>I like the way Dr. Bonner addresses the issue that qualified instate kids are not being denied. Likely, before, some instate borderline kids were allowed to enroll (on probation) and now they aren’t. I remember when one of my older son’s high school classmates applied with an ACT 17 (yikes) for Fall 2007. She was finally admitted around April of senior year, likely when the school saw it still had seats. Now, such a student would likely be rejected…and let’s face it…she wasn’t really qualified to begin with.</p>

<p>mom2collegekids, I know this is slightly off topic, but has the number of UAlabama NMF freshmen for this fall been published yet? Maybe not too off topic since a lot of them ore OOS.</p>

<p>The 2014 NMF Freshmen were 135.</p>

<p>Really? That isn’t much more than 2013 (123 NMF + 8 NAF according to NMSC report, though actual enrolled may vary a bit from that.) I assumed the numbers would jump back up when they increased the scholarship. Where did you see it?</p>

<p><a href=“UA enrollment tops 36,000 to set all-time record - The Crimson White”>http://cw.ua.edu/article/2014/09/ua-enrollment-tops-36000-to-set-all-time-record&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The National Merit Scholars are NMFs who received the NMF scholarship.</p>

<p>Thanks. I’m amazed. I wonder if many people aren’t aware they revamped the scholarship, increased it this year. They had over 240 NMF freshmen in 2012 the year before they lowered the scholarship.</p>

<p>Other schools are courting NMS and that comes into play too.</p>

<p>The four years of housing offered to the incoming classes of 2012 and earlier was a huge draw. While the current offer is quite a bit better than what the incoming class of 2013 received, the additional stipend make up for roughly one more year of housing and the additional semesters of tuition are most beneficial to those who have plans to double major, are in credit heavy majors (like engineering, music or nursing) or who hope to study abroad during a full semester instead of a summer term. Apparently, however, Alabama was satisfied with the results, because it did not change the scholarship offer for the freshman who will be entering in the fall of 2015.</p>

<p>I see some people in the news article comments section who are angry because this school is “dumpin” in state students and pour 120million $ to OOS students using tax money.</p>

<p>I am in state AL taxpayer for many years, and the OOS students are not getting AL tax money. The AL tax money is used up with school infrastructure. You can have people complain about things, but the facts do not present themselves to have any substance behind the complaints.</p>