OOS vs In State

<p>I applied to five colleges, three in state and two OOS. I applied to UC Berkeley, UC San Diego, and UC Santa Barbara for my in states and University Wisconsin and University of Washington OOS. I plan to major in some type of business and this is where the issue for me arises. </p>

<p>UCs don't send out acceptances until March, but I am guessing I will only be admitted to UC Santa Barbara and maybe UC San Diego. I really like both of these schools and they have great academics, however both lack a business school. It would be amazing to go to Haas business school in Berkeley, but I am realistic and know I won't get in.</p>

<p>Concerning the OOSs, both have excellent business schools, around the 30's nationally? Also, both look to have great social scene, sports, academic reputation, etc. The main problem with these are the OOS costs. While my family can afford them all, it is about 10-15k more per year to go to these OOS.</p>

<p>While I think I would be happy at all these schools, I just want to go to one that would be best for my future. No matter where I go I would like to live in CA post-graduation and I don't know how attending an OOS institution would affect an employers decision. Would he/she prefer a CA school w/o a business school, or an OOS with a business school.</p>

<p>So with that said, I would really appreciate any advice or knowledge about my question, Thanks!</p>

<p>both schools you mentioned that are out of state are well known so you shouldn’t have a big problem after graduation. I would recommend Univ. of Washington over Wisc. though because Wisc. graduates tend to get more job offers in the Midwest. </p>

<p>As far as a business school or not most entry level jobs dont really require it but then again who really wants to start at that level.</p>

<p>the top 3 schools are on your list for business are</p>

<li>University Of California - Berkeley</li>
<li>University Of Wisconsin - Madison
3, University Of Washington</li>

<p>if you get into any of these 3 you should definitely go there. But remember being happy for 4 years is also important</p>